Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
It is not just age . There are just too many " socialists " in capitalist countries who talk as if SOCIALISM is taboo. It IS to the American ruling class.
It is like a Catholic being silent about core beliefs. Unless EXPRESSED they just vanish into some collective unconscious.
FAITH does matter. American socialist Norman Thomas had faith in both God and socialism. I just browsed in a public library his dusty old political biography. Well worth reading and relevant today.
' [ Although Thomas and his brother Evan did not formally resign from the Presbyterian Church until their mother died in 1931, both referred to themselves as agnostics after their church failed to support their pacifism during World War I. But in the 1950s Thomas still said, "I am no atheist. Indeed, I am almost haunted by religion and often wish that I could regain the comfortable Christian theology of earlier years" (Swanberg, p. 367). In the end he asked for a Christian burial rather than a socialist funeral. "I am not an orthodox Christian," he said, "but the Christian tradition is so much a part of our life, of my life, and Christ is to me so commanding a figure who so released all that I care most for that I feel justified in asserting a Christian service which should not play up personal immortality" (Swanberg, p. 407) ] '
Faith in God AND Socialism
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