Sunday, January 31, 2016

The science of history is optimistic. But History is also ironic

As a democratic Socialist myself, and a critical supporter of Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, I think an early Sanders primary victory would be GOOD NEWS for " progressive " forces in the United States.Old Bernie is absolutely right about a large turn out in Iowa favoring him- not Hillary. This is true of American presidential elections in general. Why ? Because the vast majority of registered voters have CLASS interest not harmonious with the wealthy- really wealth- ruling class.
However, history has the record of backward working class people supporting fascist demagogues-like Hitler in Germany. There are very few examples of a STRONG MAN rising above class contradiction -like the Roman general Julius Caesar . Naturally the bitter Aristocrats in ancient Rome assassinated him. Some American plutocrats thought FDR was a " dictator ". To the end they called him " that man ".
According to Leon Trotsky Joseph Stalin did not represent the Russian working class ( Lenin did ) but Stalin represented the growing " privileged bureaucracy " after the triumph of the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.
The irony of History ! And the optimism of the " science of history ". The democratic Socialist H.G. Wells, at the end of his life, had faith only in the capacity of HOMO SAPIENS to learn. He had a prophecy of a needed WORLD BRAIN -which we call the Internet today.
Wells was democratic Socialist himself

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