Friday, January 8, 2016

Bernie Sanders should form an American Labor Party

As a democratic Socialist I always analyse political currents from a CLASS point of view. Bernie Sanders should be a lot more appealing to white working class voters than billionaire Republican Donald Trump. But a neo-liberal Democratic Party- besotted with identity politics- has made the vast white working class feel INVISIBLE. Most poor people in this 21st century America are white. And most of these humble whites identify more with traditional religion than with New Atheism conceit and arrogance. But the Ayn Rand Band ( or Bund ) Republicans conveniently forget that Ayn Rand was a militant atheist. They will never get the common people to believe in her " Virtue of Selfishness ".
And they will never get them to turn into union hating believers in the FREE MARKET. A Scott Walker, for example, is more fascist than " populist ". In Nazi Germany it was the ruined middle class that supported Hitler. Not for nothing Hillary Clinton talks about " saving the middle class ".
Bernie Sanders might be wiser to form the American equivalent of the British Labor Party.

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