Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Bernie Sanders- a serious Socialist challenges WEALTH

Is Hillary better for women than Bernie  ?  There is not a spark of socialist in any woman voter who thinks that the bourgeois feminist, Hillary Clinton, simply must be the next president. A woman’s turn-but for what ? To make the world more secure for the ONE PERCENT plutocracy ? To start World War III ?
The neo-Democrats have betrayed working class voters for decades now. In fact, Hillary and Obama make FDR look like a flaming Bolshevik.
And the ” far left ” can only smile -with critical support ?- at the most innocuous ” socialist ” in the United States – Bernie Sanders.
NONE of the presidential candidates has any intention of angering the economic elite , of presenting a serious threat to the capitalist status quo. A serious Socialist always and everywhere challenges the moral legitimacy of ” legitimate ” wealth.
But it seems that the American ruling class is starting to panic because it has lost control of the parameters of this campaign debate. They would like the voters to be superficially polarized over a Hillary Clinton vs. Jeb Bush contest: no threat to the ONE PERCENT.
But we might just get in the 2016 election a bizarre contest between a pseudo-socialist vs. a pseudo-fascist.The Marxian CLASS STRUGGLE can manifest itself in historical irony.The Democratic Party is not ready for socialism anymore than the Republican Party is ready for fascism. Just what would Bernie Sanders vs.Donald Trump MEAN ?
But what would it mean ?

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