Saturday, January 9, 2016

Anti-gun Hillary will start World War III ?

Hillary can start World War III

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     As a democratic Socialist-and a " critical supporter " of Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont- and a registered Democrat in Rhode Island- I am far more concerned with hawkish Hillary's cozy relationship with the WAR lobby- what President Eisenhower feared as a " military industrial complex "- than with Bernie Sander's winking at the the gun lobby.
      A near pacifist myself I have not the slightest interest in owning even a small hand gun ( to protect me from those " bad " people in the UNDER-CLASS ? ) . But I can understand if nervous-and law abiding- middle class people need to feel " more secure " with mostly self-protection weapons.But their beloved guns will not protect them from imminent economic ruin.
           Hillary is more oriented to the middle class anyway. " Save  the middle class ! " she says. In the Germany of the Great Depression the middle class was won over by Hitler and his Nazi goons.
         The Nazis, I read, had a LIBERAL gun policy. Yet, Hillary is more likely to start World War III than Donald Trump- who can " work with Putin ".
           An opponent of the gun lobby in control of America's nukes ? Who says WOMEN are anti-war by nature. We need STRONG women, right Hillary ?

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