Friday, January 22, 2016

The black bourgeoisie support Hillary Clinton -not Bernie Sanders

   It is interesting that both Martin Luther King and Malcolm X had a negative view of American capitalism. In the last year of his life Malcolm X endeared himself to white, left-wing radicals by making the connection between racism and capitalism and imperialism.
If the black bourgeoisie were not so compromised themselves, they would probably lean toward Bernie Sanders , not Harpy Hillary.
But it would be even better if Democrat Bernie Sanders called for the creation of an American Labor Party like the British Labor Party- with a " socialist " program.
Malcolm X in 1965 speech : " You show me a capitalist and I'll show you a bloodsucker."
The FBI is implicated in the assassination of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X ( see the COINTELPRO scandal) .

  [ Thirty-two years after Memphis, we know that the government that now honors Dr. King with a national holiday also killed him. As will once again become evident when the Justice Department releases the findings of its “limited re-investigation” into King’s death, the government (as a footsoldier of corporate power) is continuing its cover-up – just as it continues to do in the closely related murders of John and Robert Kennedy and Malcolm X. ]

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