Friday, January 8, 2016

Bernie Sanders should start a third party

There has been quite enough blocking of so called " free speech " in capitalist America. " Socialist " Bernie Sanders should not encourage any unproductive disruption of Donald Trump campaign rallies. Fascist minded goons are far more experienced at disrupting non-violent , " progressive " street protests and campaign rallies. Only public opinion protects " free speech " in America. The ruling class would like to snuff out even these rather innocuous on- line reader comments. Talk radio personality in Rhode Island, Gene Valicenti, calls them a vulgar " cesspool ". Imagine this right wing mega-VOICE waging war on COMMENT opportunities.
Donald Trump would love to have Bernie Sanders as his Democratic opponent for the presidency ? The ONLY hope for the victory of these Ayn Rand Band ( or Bund ) Republicans is a very low voter turn out for the 2016 election here. The vast majority of voters are accurately described as " working class ". Working class people have always been receptive to the Socialist ideal.
But curiously BOTH the Democratic and Republicans parties are dedicated to the capitalist system. Maverick Democrat ( formerly " independent socialist " ) Bernie Sanders is just being used . He should really start a third party- independent of our ruling class.

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