Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Mainstream news media see only Democrats vs.Republicans

If Lincoln Chafee can be dismissed as marginal by the main stream news media here ,so can the very idea that there are other political perspectives in America beside Democrats vs. Republicans. I voted for Ralph Nader in 2000-and liberal Democrats-including our own Oracle at Delphi, Wendy Schiller (a pleasant intelligent voice on the radio here )-never forgave him for his principled audacity. I have also voted for the Socialist Workers Party a number of times, and have supported local members of the American Communist Party-which does have an heroic history of defending working class people.
Will Bernie Sanders overshadow Lincoln Chafee ? Since the " socialist " Sanders chooses to run as a Democrat, I think the two complement each other.
You don't have be a dogmatic socialist to know what is wrong with America: that ONE PERCENT-and the rest of us. WE can work together .


Our Oracle at Delphi, Wendy Schiller


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