Saturday, June 1, 2019

Mass murder and the capitalist war of each against all

OK that is a FACT ( I think ! ) . But the never spoken TRUTH is that capitalist society is normally a barely controlled WAR of each against ALL . In recent decades American capitalist society is becoming unglued. What usually holds it together is actually a FAITH contract between the individual and society. These mass killers start out -most of them -as NORMAL as you . Once a system of FAITH crumbles the individual is reduced to an alienated , angry , dangerous person.

FAITH includes faith in the goodness of the people around you, faith in family and friends, faith in the ideal of fairness in everyday life, faith in the goodness of LIFE or the goodness of God or just faith in the sanity of a rational universe, finally just faith in yourself. 

Faith and Hope keep the soul tranquil . When that crumbles there is instant moral chaos and meltdown -and then Satan himself announces that he has a PLAN for your salvation and redemption and for the recovery of your lost soul .
You don't have to be crazy to DO IT . Faith and Hope are dying in the capitalist America of the 21st century.

You don't have to be Nostradamus to prophecy many more crazy , horrible news headlines.
Image result for Nostradamus prophecy

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