Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Why I can empathize with " harassed " German Professor Jorge Baberowski
The Left that in many ways I can support -but becoming more and more hostile to FREE SPEECH and FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization- is in no high moral position to smear this respected scholar as a " fascist " and a " Nazi ".
I read with a sardonic smile that Professor Baberowski has been " harassed " in Germany by young students under the influence of the David North personality cult calling itself with no sense of humor or irony the SOCIALIST EQUALITY PARTY.
The SEP runs the pretentiously named World Socialist Web Site . Here I can really empathize with Professor Baberowski without knowing too much about his political views : After a few comments in which I suggested that any " vanguard " socialist party should try to build bridges to the world's millions of working class Christians ( a big chunk of " the masses " ) I was quickly -with no explanation - banned from the World Socialist Web Site as their " resident Catholic, anti-Semite, fascist " ( Catholic = Fascist " in the mind of SEP lackey (" Joe Williams " ?) .
TRUE BELIEVERS are alike everywhere. The members of David North's Socialist Equality Party remind me so much of the those daffy " Clears " in the daffy " Church of Scientology
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