Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Wednesday, June 5, 2019
Public schools do train their students to be sheep
[“We do not train our students to be sheep,” he said. “If a gunman comes into a classroom — unless you have an exterior exit that you can get out of — you’re cornered. So really, it’s fight or die. Preparing to respond that way is what we need to do with our people.” ]
In a very real way the nation's public schools do train their students to be sheep. These public schools assault their CRITICAL INTELLIGENCE , their " holy curiosity " ( Einstein's phrase ) from the first grade on.
The 11th Commandment of the American public school system is " Thou Shalt Conform " ( a rebellious American psychiatrist Robert Lindner wrote a book on this topic just before the famous Youth Revolt of the 1960s. His book inspired " Rebel Without A Cause " ( starring James Dean ) .
Feb 28, 2018 - by Robert Lindner (from McCalls, February 1956) .... For many families You Must Adjust! has virtually become the Eleventh Commandment.]
In naturally wanting to be safe in school the kids fail to see the big picture: American capitalist society and American militarism is everywhere breeding moral monsters and murderous sociopaths. You are never SAFE amongst THEM.
The American Gulag and the American Police State-the daily insanity and INEQUALITY of the capitalist system- are the roots of the evil that spoils the expected " happy days " of their youth.
The corrupt leaders of the Democratic Party imagine that they can channel the anxiety of American youth into the very ESTABLISHMENT that they revolted against in the 2016 presidential campaign.
I can only laugh if I see any young people wearing JOE BIDEN buttons next June.
I can only laugh when they mass protest the wickedness of the NRA.
How much money do the Establishment Democrats set aside for future wars , for nuclear World War III ? Nope , nothing wrong with these Pentagon approved " guns " ?
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