Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Even a " limited " atomic war would destroy global capitalism

The Marines' Top General Talks About A Changing Corps

If high school kids still read Homer's epic poem " The Illiad ", they will learn that WAR has been institutionalized for thousands of years now. WAR brings out the very best and the very worst in human beings.

We should have learned by now that THE MILITARY need not be a PERMANENT institution. The " crackpot realism " of the Pentagon think tanks presumes that WAR is really forever, that the human race is forever divided into self-centered , mutually hostile nation states.

The Atomic bomb really did make major wars like World War II an anachronism , obsolete even as strategy of imperialism . The great scientist Albert Einstein sensed this truth.

The American military could never " conquer " or stabilize or occupy ANY country it attacked with nuclear weapons . These weapons would only create chaos and mass hatred that no land army could check and suppress.

Can you picture any sane working class American soldier willing to " serve " on radioactive enemy territory , taking charge of highly toxic natural resources ( to be shipped to the USA ) ?

What atomic bombed nation - Russia , China, North Korea, Iran , Venezuela - would welcome conquering, " liberating " American war " heroes " as France did after the Normandy Invasion ?
What type or global capitalism could survive the shock of even a " limited " atomic war ?

Time to junk the Pentagon War Machine ? Don't expect any " liberal " Democrat to support THAT . Presently the neo-liberal Democrats are promoting the HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism while slobbering in a very UN-LIBERAL way over the CIA , FBI, Pentagon shadow government of the United States.

Image result for war and Homer's Iliad
Institutionalized war goes way back

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