Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
The voice of the Democrat Party's HATE RUSSIA , New McCarthyism . Do not other governments always try to " influence " American presidential elections ? Has not the CIA played a sinister role in undermining democracy in numerous foreign countries ?
Do you think POST-COMMUNIST Russia is now -by some Kremlin propaganda magic - more able to decide or influence the political process in the United States than the Israel Lobby ?
Does not the American plutocracy control BOTH the Democratic and Republican parties ? Does not the mainstream news media sabotage or ignore viable third parties like Ralph Nader's Green Party or more obscure socialist parties ? Despite any Russian political intrigue the American ruling class is very much in charge here.
It seems that SOCIALISM is banned by both Trump in the White House and Putin in the Kremlin.
Is there ANY democratic control of foreign policy in " OUR democracy " ? Can't WE THE PEOPLE vote on World War III ( with Russia, China, Iran, North Korea , Venezuela ) ?
The CIA - instructed by the war criminal Henry Kissinger - was very much involved in the assassination of the Marxist president Salvador Allende in Chile way back in 1973 .
Today the CIA has a similar plan for " socialist " Venezuela.
" Our democracy " is a joke and that was the real theme of the 2016 presidential election campaign when populist nationalist Donald Trump and " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders were attracting the big enthusiastic crowds- without the help of wicked Russia.
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