Saturday, June 29, 2019

Radical Ron infuriates SEP cult member - one of Eric Hoffer's TRUE BELIEVERS

   [you didn't have to write it twice. You could have edited it but instead you put the same exact comment up twice in a row. Putting it up once was bad enough but twice has got to be a record in stupidity or something. The blah blah blah crap you keep recycling is STILL PATHETIC! I'd tell you to your face to go fuck yourself but I got better things to do. As for my name, it's an abbreviation so stalkers like you don't try to ride my nuts. I'm not a goon or even a SEP member, yet, but if Comrade North told me to smack you, I'd smack the dog shit out of you, no charge. I LOVE THE ICFI, SEP & WSWS! They made my life complete. Every member who I get to speak to helps me out tremendously. Unfortunately people like you get on my nerves and I can't help myself when some creepy old dude keeps trying to get the last word in. You're not saying any! You're not changing anybody's mind! Nobody cares about the idiotic comments you post. I'm the only one responding because people like you make me sick and I get more sick if I don't respond. I know I'm not supposed to respond but you're a soft target. You say the same thing over and over and over and I just can't seem to help myself from calling you a complete moron.  ]
          I recall American philosopher Eric Hoffer 's " TRUE BELIEVER "

@Ron Ruggieri if this is something you believe in, why would you spend so much effort trying to do harm? you get that being banned at a message board, is a decision that would have been made by one person or a small group who moderate the board... but you seem to indict a leader of the group, and the group as a whole? why would anybody take you seriously when the smallest perceived slight causes you to react like this? having no idea what happened, just looking at this, i get why you were banned already. you should get it too
ANYBODY would defend themselves against character assassination . I received this THREAT in my email this morning :This is what I mean by a vicious stupid CULT .    "I'm not a goon or even a SEP member, yet, but if Comrade North told me to smack you, I'd smack the dog shit out of you, no charge. I LOVE THE ICFI, SEP & WSWS! They made my life complete. "           I recall with a smile Eric Hoffer's classic " The True Believer ".       NOTE : Faith in God makes  life " complete " for millions of the world's Catholics, Protestants, Muslims , and Orthodox Jews .   
                  Perhaps both the Internal Revenue Service and the Catholic Anti-Defamation Society should be warned about one David North , the Great Oz of the  Socialist EQUALITY Party which is already assigning " NOBODY " status to everybody who disagrees with them.

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