Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Monday, June 24, 2019
Any member of Congress not in the pocket of the Greater Israel lobby ?
What an unholy trio : John Bolton, Netanyahu, and the bloody Saudi Arabian prince, Crown Prince Mohammad, UP FRONT defending the FREE WORLD against not so isolated Iran. Does the Greater Israel agenda dictate US foreign policy in the Middle East ?
Find one single " progressive " Democrat who will ask this question in public : why is it morally fitting that Zionist Apartheid Israel have a nuclear arsenal but not Islamic Iran ? What is so legitimate about the nuclear arsenal of the United States ? On what basis does it threaten to OBLITERATE Iran ?
The mainstream news media will quickly blackball any American politician who dares to ask an obvious question : Are there Republican or Democrat politicians not in the pocket of the belligerent , war mongering Greater Israel lobby ?
The vast majority of working class Christian Americans have no interest in making the world safe for racist Israel or barbaric Saudi Arabia .
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