Thursday, June 27, 2019

The era of socialist vanguard parties is over

As a democratic socialist I am pleased that SOCIALISM as an idea and ideal is in the air and on the air. But ironically the MASSES can expect no real practical guidance from these various " Trotskyist " sects that have ALL evolved into weird, degenerate personality cults . For example , the once respectable on the left American Socialist Workers Party . Their GREAT LEADER Jack Barnes has made his party into something worthy of North Korea . The equally obscure Socialist Equality Party - which runs the World Socialist Web Site - is led by one two face enigma named David North and David Green. David North is the socialist revolutionary . David Green is the CEO of a NON-UNION capitalist printing company . I can guess that his stable of Marxist writers are on his company pay roll . So much for revolutionary honor !

              If you think the World Socialist Web Site is an open forum for ALL honest socialists , you are in for a rude awakening. The SEP goons police the web site for hints of non-conformity.
A while back I was smeared by one SEP hyena, " Joe Williams ", as the " resident Catholic , anti-Semite, fascist ". Then quickly BANNED from the WSWS . On You Tube I was able to ask if they could produce ONE comment that would easily categorize me as neo-Nazi anti-Semite. Like the dissidents in the Church of Scientology I was called a " loon .
" .
I must warn the youth interested in SOCIALISM to avoid these Trotskyist cults which already contain the evil seeds of totalitarianism.

               I note that they are all absolutely beside themselves with hatred for the Roman Catholic Church ( which triumphed over Stalinist communism in Poland shortly after a friendly visit from Paul John Paul II ) .

              The original sin of 20th century socialism was Bolshevik Russia - long before the rise of Stalinism - declaring its STATE to be " officially atheist ".

                  I am sure that THE MASSES will again just say no to " The Society of the Godless ". SOCIALISM will remain democratic and not make the world's religious majority second class ,

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