Saturday, June 1, 2019

Drag Queen sermons for children in public libraries ?

Why are public libraries in the United States under pressure to pander to arrogant " identity politics " groups ? In the name of Holy Diversity the normal sense of right and wrong of a Christian majority is daily mocked by an alliance of anti-Christian and New Atheist culture warriors.

Moral chaos is what you get by abolishing symbols of God and religious imagery from public view. By pretending TRUTH and FACTS are just a social construct ( mostly of dead white males ) .

So marginalized is the real majority now that even the QUIET RULE has been dropped in many public libraries- as DIVERSITY now includes as guests noisy , disruptive autistic individuals more in need of a protective institutional environment .

The response to this objection will invariably be to brand a complainer as one of those cartoon character " haters " .
The New Tolerance does not include any respect for the FREE SPEECH and FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization.
A Drag Queen Storytime for children at a Massachusetts public library is going on as planned despite opposition. Meanwhile, a similar event at a Rhode Island library has been canceled.

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