Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Thursday, June 27, 2019
Lenin and Trotsky never made any revolutionary mistakes ?
I have a copy of " Joe Williams " smearing me as the " resident Catholic , anti-Semite, fascist " on the World Socialist Web Site. Then I was quickly banned from the World Socialist Web Site . I asked the GREAT OZ , the CAPITALIST David North, for an explanation. None of my comments ever REMOVED but then I am banned from a web site policed by David North 's lackeys. I said produce ONE comment of mine that would categorize me as a Neo-Nazi fascist ? ( Catholic = fascist ? ) . NADA !
There was no respect for intellectual honesty with these CULT members . Anybody can read my blog ( Radical Ron's blogsite ) going back to 1997 and judge for themselves if I am an " obsessed " Jew hater . I made numerous references to Jewish writers for whom I had the greatest respect : Irving Howe , Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Norman Finkelstein . But it is like talking to the proverbial horse's ass . The " Clears " of the Church of Scientology " routinely insult and humiliate non-conforming members . They use psycho-babble : " you don't know how crazy you are ". And my photo is " ugly " . And I am " pathetic " and "desperate for attention " . This is a CULT speaking, no doubt it. And what kind of racist would quote Malcolm X ? My favorite Malcolm X quote : " Show me a capitalist and I'll show you a blood sucker " . Think about that David North, Green . Any reader here can just GOOGLE David North SEP , World Socialist Web Site , Socialist Equality Party . The reader will find very consistent criticism of North and his self-appointed VANGUARD party of the working class. This from other socialists and ex-members of the SEP cult. My point is that these socialist sects already contain the evil seeds of totalitarianism . Does that make me a " nut case " ? Also I have observed this over -the-top hostility on the Left in general to Christianity and Catholicism in particular . What kind of ruling socialist VANGUARD party would make millions of Christians , millions of the world's RELIGIOUS people- Catholics , Protestants, Orthodox Jews, Muslims... second class PERSECUTED citizens of the New World Order ? The Trotskyists worship the pre-Stalin Soviet Union as if Lenin and Trotsky never made a big mistake . Bertrand Russell thought Lenin was " cruel " . George Orwell thought that Trotsky was at least as responsible for the Russian totalitarianism as Stalin.
Soon after the triumph of the Russian Revolution the STATE was declared to be " officially atheist ". That certainly made Bolshevik revolution in Germany generally unwelcome and also unwelcome in still " Catholic " Europe - Italy , France, Spain, Portugal , Poland , Romania.
Also, has any honest socialist ever met any working class people - innocent of THE PARTY - languishing with a longing for the " Dictatorship of the Proletariat ? Thirsty for bloody revenge on all " class enemies " ?
The era of effete socialist " vanguard parties " actually ended 100 years ago .
I am more and more convinced that SOCIALISM as a GREAT IDEA ( going back to Plato and early Christianity ) can survive and finally triumph as a quasi-religious movement - of a real MORAL MAJORITY .
If that makes me an ogre with the SEP, so what ? They don't even like the term " democratic socialism ". They imagine they have a patent on socialism and the blessing of HISTORY . The fate of TRUE BELIEVERS in all the ages.
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