Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Thursday, January 10, 2019
The " shadow government " of the USA vs.the " Imperial Presidency "
" White House officials, including Trump himself, are openly threatening to declare a national emergency, under which Trump would assume quasi-dictatorial powers and use the US military to carry out his political objectives, including building the wall. "
A crisis of " democracy " here. Yes, a crisis of bourgeois democracy in its death agony. But it seems to be the " shadow government " of the plutocracy operating in the sinister dark vs. the Imperial Presidency( in the person of a " legitimate " president, Donald Trump )- a creation of the two party system.
Whatever, no " socialist " parties or organization should wink at a " Seven Days in May " militarist plot to restore a more " responsible " executive office.
A crippled U.S. government - a DIVIDED ruling capitalist class - is in no position to " make the world safe for OUR democracy ".
But the let the military " crack " ! Working class American soldiers are not brainless robots in the service of the new " American Century ".
In times of revolution even THE POLICE - the brutal, pitbull defenders of private property and LAW & ORDER- can get sick of their odious job, can go on strike.
" Democracy " then survives and thrives in the streets as in Paris of 1789. It will not be " morning in America " for phony " liberal " Democrats !
Sep 16, 2017 -In a democracy, no one should be comforted to hear that generals have imposed discipline on an elected head of state. That was never ...]
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[ Stephen Kinzer: America's slow-motion military coup - The Boston Globe