Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Tuesday, January 8, 2019
On Zionism Radical Ron speaks for millions of working class Christians too
Zionism has already revealed its true evil nature - bullying both ordinary religious Jews and the American voters. We will not let this continue. When Trump lackey John Bolton finds it necessary to fly to Israel to assure Zionist thug leader Netanyahu that any withdrawal from Syria will be restrained by consideration for our dear ally Apartheid Israel, millions of ordinary working class Christians here will indeed suspect these " lizards " are at least over-influential in determining the foreign policy of " OUR democracy ".
The Ha'aretz writer Michael Sfard is one of many educated Jews finally beginning to rethink the Zionist project - a definite EVIL for the displaced and oppressed-and now furiously REVOLUTIONARY Palestinians.
No support for any war to make the world safe for " Greater Israel " .
I speak for millions of working class Christians in the USA - not just for a tiny minority of " democratic socialists " of whatever religion or non-religion.
Comments that are courteous, concise and relevant are always welcome, whether or not they agree with the views expressed here or not. Profanity is not necessary. Thank you for reading “Time Enough At Last!”