Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Monday, January 7, 2019
American Zionists should not lecture us about " hate crime "
Hate Crimes Are Multiplying In Massachusetts But We Can't Blame Trump
No, connecting " hate crime " with the " liberal " Democrat apologists for Apartheid Israel - now seen for the hateful regime it is by a Jewish writer for Ha'aretz - is not an impertinent comment. The " liberal " Democrats are hardly amateurs at HATE.
Since when are the chief Zionists in the USA in a position to lecture a vast working class Christian population about the evil of hate crimes ?
Does Senator Chuck Schumer have a disturbed conscience over Apartheid Israel's WALL OF SHAME ?
Nothing hateful about leading Zionists in both the Democratic and Republican parties plotting to start nuclear World War III for the glory of " Greater Israel " ?
The fact that the FAKE NEWS New York Times does not write about this does not make it a less visible " elephant in the room ".
It seems that every late night far right radio talk show has some belligerent Zionist talking like some " brilliant " strategist at a Pentagon think tank or some professor emeritus at the Naval War College.
But the American working class thinks : " Your enemies are not OUR enemies. Your friends are not OUR friends ! :.
From " The Ugly Truth " :
[ "Alex Jones has crossed YET ANOTHER Rubicon in his appeasing of organized Jewish interests, this time by having on his program the Zionist shill, warmongering Michael Weiner Savage, an agent of Israel and a confirmed traitor to America.
We at TUT are asking that you FLOOD the comments sections listed below with the appropriate commentary.
What’s next Jones? Pamela Geller, warning of the dangers of ‘Islamo-Fascism? How about Wolfowitz, Perle, or Feith?
Better yet Jonsey, why not just go whole hog and have Netanyahu himself on to sell the American people into supporting even more wars for Israel? "]
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