Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Friday, January 4, 2019
" Saving the middle class " - not a SOCIALIST agenda
Another encouraging headline from Fox News this morning :
"Americans warming to socialism over capitalism: polls "
Many sincere socialists have roots in the so called MIDDLE CLASS- and most socialist leaders. But " SAVE THE MIDDLE CLASS " is definitely not a transitional program for a serious socialist party.
I heard this phony " progressive " Senator Elizabeth Warren babble about " saving the middle class " some years ago. She sounded sincere back then . But now -intoxicated with power- she merely sounds unctuous.
We socialists don't OPPOSE saving the middle class in principle. But not by increasing the misery of the poor and the distinctly WORKING CLASS.
But then some of my old friends imagined themselves solidly middle class if they had a job, a car , a roof over their head, some food in the kitchen, and a Mickey Mouse credit card. The next step for them , of course, was to register as Republican. Here I resort to friendly persuasion.
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