Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Friday, January 4, 2019
Not for nothing even Lenin frowned on revolutionaries over age 55 !
"The list is less an embarrassment of riches than an embarrassment, full stop. It demonstrates not the vigor of the Democratic Party, but its sclerotic character. The two leading candidates, Biden and Sanders, are 76 and 77 years old, respectively. This matches the three top leaders of the Democrats in the House of Representatives, who are 78, 79 and 78 "
Even great revolutionaries are aware that the FUTURE belongs to the youth and seniors must not smother them. I read that Lenin frowned on Bolsheviks over 55 ( humorously, I am sure ) . In the 60s I thought " Don't Trust Anybody Over 30 " was a rather stupid slogan. But my own radical self now being an ancient 71, I do see the sense in it.
In reality capitalist society begins to corrupt individuals very early in life . Even a college sophomore can quickly degenerate into an obnoxious careerist - just as soon as he or she - with blessing of the CIA - is appointed editor of the campus newspaper or voted " most likely to succeed " in high school ( as was the notorious swindler Kevin Trudeau, I read ) .
Young people can have old-and already corrupt- souls.
Old people can remain sharp and informed about matters that have concerned them for decades- like the class struggle.
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