Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Thursday, January 3, 2019
Something is happening here . FOX NEWS headline : " SOCIALISM RISING "
The capitalist news media in the United States never perceives the sociopathic nature of a super-power always threatening some designated ENEMY OF THE MONTH.
So sad that nation states - with a certain justified paranoia- like Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, even little Venezuela, do not live up to the high moral standards of our CIA, FBI, Pentagon, the high moral standards of " OUR democracy ".
Our young people are on fire with patriotic zeal to MAKE THE WORLD SAFE FOR PLUTOCRACY ?
How do THEY organize the world for another American Century on " The Day After " a nuclear war ?
" Say, do you know what time it is ? ? Time to junk the US war machine and retire its cracked officer corp.
But something is happening here . Fox news on -line- headline this morning : " SOCIALISM RISING ". But it is not Bernie Sanders and Nancy Pelosi that the ruling class fears !
Time also for those 800,000 out of work federal employees to amass in the streets of Washington, D.C - inspired by the recent Yellow Vest marches in Paris.
WE won't be fooled again ! ( will we ? ).
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WE won't be fooled again ! ( will we ? ).