Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Ruling class happy over a public schooled nation of non-readers ?
The public school system is a tragedy for any teachers with an active social conscience. How can they teach American History, World History, Civics, great literature without defying the party line of the education bureaucrats ? Yes, I learned all about the evil of " communism " and " socialism " way back in the McCarthy era . The stage was set for the horrendous Vietnam War.
To be sure, teachers are even frustrated in teachings the ABCs and basic literacy. Years ago I wondered how emphasis on phonics in elementary school should be ridiculed as right wing conspiracy . So it was better-as the author of " Why Johnny Can't Read " argued- to teach the LOOK & SAY method as if written English was more like written Chinese ? ( Is this controversy still going on ? ) . From CRANSTON PATCH ( recent ) ' [A proposed Rhode Island law would require all elementary school teachers become proficient in scientific reading instruction, a new approach to teaching that could help decrease youth illiteracy and help dyslexic students. The bill, named the "Right To Read" act, was introduced in the House of Representatives by William O'Brien. The scientific reading approach focuses on sounds and how they are related to letters and words. The concept is based off of neurological research into how the brain works during written and spoken language learning. In a release, Rep. O'Brien (D-Dist. 54, North Providence), said many teachers are not aware of the new teaching approach, leading to literacy gaps.]'
Is our ruling class happy over a nation - still mostly working class -of mostly non-readers ? Let them watch TV ?
The late popular science writer Isaac Asimov wrote about a " cult of ignorance in the USA " . He said that a " best seller " for him meant that just less than ONE PERCENT of public had some interest in his book.
Asimov did hope that home computers and " self-education " could make up for the failure of the public schools.
In his " Demon Haunted World " astronomer Carl Sagan wrote about how literacy helped to free- and make a formidable freedom fighter- the black slave Frederick Douglass.
For poor kids today the public schools ( just think of pathetic Detroit ) are a spiritual and intellectual BLACK HOLE.
Mass produced ignorance in public schools is a sign of the coming Dark Age , the eclipse of civilization.
How can kids learn anything in miserable, crowded, decaying school buildings ? Listening to burnt-out , demoralized public school teachers ? Another book on a public library shelf is titled : " Why Johnny Can't Think " . Another , " Why Johnny Can't Add " .
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The late popular science writer Isaac Asimov wrote about a " cult of ignorance in the USA " . He said that a " best seller " for him meant that just less than ONE PERCENT of public had some interest in his book.
Asimov did hope that home computers and " self-education " could make up for the failure of the public schools.
In his " Demon Haunted World " astronomer Carl Sagan wrote about how literacy helped to free- and make a formidable freedom fighter- the black slave Frederick Douglass.
For poor kids today the public schools ( just think of pathetic Detroit ) are a spiritual and intellectual BLACK HOLE.
Mass produced ignorance in public schools is a sign of the coming Dark Age , the eclipse of civilization.
How can kids learn anything in miserable, crowded, decaying school buildings ? Listening to burnt-out , demoralized public school teachers ? Another book on a public library shelf is titled : " Why Johnny Can't Think " . Another , " Why Johnny Can't Add " .
Why Johnny Still Can't Read !