Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Establishment candidates for president recommend their flawless selves as THE SOLUTION to decaying capitalism problems
All these look alike-talk alike candidates for PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES -both Democrats and Republicans - all have a hidden premise in their public blather : there is no problem with the SYSTEM except character weakness and personality flaws of the individuals elected or chosen to run it. So they sell themselves as the ANTI-TRUMP or the ANTI-HILLARY :
" Can't you see that my sterling character and long list of private virtues ( like I never used the N-word or made a daffy plug for white supremacy ) make ME the only one [ " You're the one, the ONLY ONE , Joe Buck "] the only real choice for YOUR president .
We democratic socialists -like Radical Ron - do not recommend our flawless selves as THE SOLUTION to the problems of decaying capitalism. We trust YOU in power to solve them. We trust the sound common sense and basic decency of working class people to empower their own VOICE as the VOICE OF THE PEOPLE in a real democracy.
I think comic legend Charlie Chaplin made such a speech in the movie " The Great Dictator " .
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