Friday, January 4, 2019

Radical Ron liked this: excerpt from " conservative " Tucker Carlson

  "A mob of angry children is suddenly in charge of the country. These aren't people seeking a revolution. They're fighting for the status quo to protect their own status. They're drunk on power and looking for new people to hurt.
So, it's true. But it's not on the list of approved talking points, so it can't ever be said out loud. Those are the rules. Anyone who violates those rules will be punished.
This is very common. If you're wondering how we wound up in the dark age we're currently living through right now, this is how. This is why important science is no longer being done. It's why art isn't being made. This is why comedy is dying. It's why people aren't thinking for themselves anymore, which means the end of creativity.
It's why the rest of us stand by like cowards as the innocent are punished for crimes they didn't commit. Because we're all terrified. We're terrified of being denounced by some mindless ideologue on TV or shamed and ostracized on social media for stepping out of line. Or silenced completely by a big tech firm. "

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