Friday, October 2, 2015

My long dead friend Ed Maguire's prophecy in the summer of 73

" Stuff happens " , says lethargic Jeb Bush
  Jeb Bush calls himself a Catholic. But where is the moral sensitivity here ? Would any politician with a social conscience shrug off routine mass murder in this country with " stuff happens " ? In truth these ruling class politicians do not want to think too deeply about the problem. They are too devoted to our insane capitalist way of life to dare to SEE its everyday ugliness. Better to have borderline middle class voters all upset about the tax burden of the rich. Better to have them in a rage over the far way menace of Iran than to smell the decay of a rotting social order. The ONE PERCENT continue with their collective delusion that a world in which they are on top is the best of all possible worlds.
In truth America is cracking up . The " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders at least senses this truth. The other candidates for president of this troubled nation -Democrat or Republican - are morally and intellectually clueless.
The Culture of Narcissism does not want to SEE its Dorian Gray portrait. Brainless consumerism -like Lord Henry- whispers : " be always seeking new sensations ". " Live in a world of total comfort ", says the radio commercial. Just keep THE OTHER - the OUTSIDER - the ALIEN -out.
A dear friend of mine- now long dead -predicted the future of America one summer day in 1973 : A LONG PERIOD OF ROT !

Dorian Gray as " Uncle Sam "

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