Saturday, October 24, 2015

Election 2016 decided by angry mobs in Washington, D.C. ?

   The U.S. ruling class has been using its two party system to deceive and swindle working class voters since the days of President William McKinley. I have observed that working class voters have gut feelings on any number of " culture war " issues. All they get from Democrats is a supercilious contempt. Is it surprising that the chaos , misery, and insecurity in the " Other America " makes these people feel deeply about their FAITH ? The liberal elite of the Democrat Party begin to sound like a chorus for the hateful " New Atheism ".
And yet the militant atheist Ayn Rand-the capitalist worshiping author of " The Virtue of Selfishness " -is the guiding spirit of the Republican Party today. What does Ayn Rand Thought have in common with Jesus and his " The Sermon on the Mount " ?
Imagine politicians who are so pro-war, so pro-death penalty, so opposed to the Roosevelt Era " Helping Hand " of government, so relentless in their class war on working people, proclaiming themselves RIGHT TO LIFE champions ? Allying themselves with the CHRISTIAN Right ? No, the U.S. ruling class is now mostly New Atheist. But they would have us believe that THEY rule by divine right .
So out of touch is the hard core of Democrats and Republicans that I can picture Election 2016 decided by angry mobs in the streets of Washington, D.C. Rather like Cairo, Egypt in 2011 . If not, then truly Allah is great !
A choice between Hillary and " The Donald ". You kid me not ?

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