Saturday, October 24, 2015

Picture " Uncle Bernie " as a sinister doorman for a Newport mansion

No honest " socialist " would insist that the pro-capitalist political machine called the Democratic Party can be overnight converted into a weapon of class struggle for the voting masses.
I give Bernie Sanders praise for helping to un-demonize the WORD socialism in American politics.
But in truth Sanders is not as progressively militant as Ralph Nader, nor as passionately anti-war as Lincoln Chafee.
How can this two party system in America- controlled by the big corporations- deal with the reality of class division and polarization ?
They puff up BOTH Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. In fact both Trump and Sanders agree : " The American Dream is dead ".
Honest socialism questions and challenges the very legitimacy of legitimate wealth . That has world shaking consequences.
The famous psychiatrist Sigmund Freud said that the voice of reason is a soft voice but it does not rest until it gets a hearing.
Slam the front doors on the IDEA of socialism and it will find an opening in a back window. Picture Bernie Sanders as a sinister doorman for a ruling class mansion in Newport. He distributes nasty little leaflets to the guided tour crowd. But he can be bought off with a bottle of fine Russian Vodka and Cuban cigars. But the family pit bull still does not like " Uncle Bernie ".
Even advanced Hidden Persuader techniques will never twist the meaning of socialism into something unthreatening to the privileged classes.
Off duty doorman dreams of " socialist " abundance


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