Comforting to know that Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson -now leading fascist- minded Donald Trump in the polls- brings a Christian fundamentalist perspective to the problems of U.S. imperialism. Dr. Ben always asks himself : " What would Jesus do ? "
But a disgraced Catholic TV celebrity priest, Father John Corapi, told an audience packed with the faithful during the Iraq War : " Mother Mary wears combat boots ". It follows that Dr. Ben's Jesus wears them too.
That " Prince of Peace " slop is strictly for Quakers-like Richard M. Nixon .
During the Vietnam War Cardinal Spellman reminded patriotic Americans that " there are no atheists in foxholes ". His Holiness had visions of atomic mushroom clouds over communist North Vietnam.
I concluded way back then that Jesus was a communist too. Jesus says : STOP THE IMPERIALIST WARS... BRING ALL THE TROOPS HOME NOW ...........................................
But a disgraced Catholic TV celebrity priest, Father John Corapi, told an audience packed with the faithful during the Iraq War : " Mother Mary wears combat boots ". It follows that Dr. Ben's Jesus wears them too.
That " Prince of Peace " slop is strictly for Quakers-like Richard M. Nixon .
During the Vietnam War Cardinal Spellman reminded patriotic Americans that " there are no atheists in foxholes ". His Holiness had visions of atomic mushroom clouds over communist North Vietnam.
I concluded way back then that Jesus was a communist too. Jesus says : STOP THE IMPERIALIST WARS... BRING ALL THE TROOPS HOME NOW ...........................................
Cardinal Spellman and Pope Pius XII. Pius always had deep affection for Cardinal Francis Spellman, Archbishop of New York, whom he raised to Cardinal in February, 1946. These two consistently promoted the Cold War, never condemning the U.S. plans to use the atom bomb, even after President Truman's declaration that "it looks like World War III is near."
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