Friday, October 30, 2015

Did our Founding Fathers settle the American Way of Life for all time ?

Republican presidential debate
I wish NPR could comment on these presidential debates with a healthy dose of Ralph Nader's cynicism about our two party system.To, be sure they are not a THINK TANK SEMINAR. But show me a think tank seminar not devoted to ruling class interests. Show me a presidential candidate- with the possible exception of " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders of Vermont-who is any threat to the capitalist profit system ? The Right blathers about the American Way of Life as if it were settled for all time by the Founding Fathers more than 200 years ago -in another era. Imagine if any of these brilliant political thinkers prated about the virtues of free enterprise capitalism while slavery was still legal in the now United States ? Slavery WORKED too -for the Southern slave masters,
And where did the Constitution institutionalize the TWO parties that dominate the country today- Democrat and Republican ?
Does the working class have a right to pursue happiness by checking -forever- capitalist greed ? Does existing PRIVATE PROPERTY law establish the right of a tiny wealthy class to OWN the very land that was Indian Land in the beginning ? But the Native Americans lacked the European settlers sense of private property, their belief that GREED IS GOOD . They thought the land could only belong to the Great Spirit .

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