Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Allah must be great !

Hitler's most trenchant speech ( said John Toland )
   Right winger -and rising CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN star Kevin McCarthy " declined NPR's request for an interview ". So far right are these Tea Party favorite Republicans that they must think NPR is the American equivalent of the now defunct Stalinist era newspaper PRAVDA .
But really you NPR editors should begin to sharpen your edge. The American presidential campaign of 2016 promises to be one of the most tumultuous in our history. Consider the stage of polarization even now - leftward drifting Bernie Sanders supporters, rightward drifting Donald Trump fans.As a democratic Socialist myself I ask : If this isn't a Marxian style CLASS WAR shaping up, then what is ?
I just read an article on Real News that said : " We are all Greeks now ".
Finance capital is strangling the nation. One reason for Adolph Hitler's rise to power in 1932 was : he clearly perceived this truth-along with his half-cracked racist rants.
BOTH Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders would agree here : THE AMERICAN DREAM IS DEAD
The Power Elite is seriously deluded if it thinks it can sell us a soporific Hillary vs.Jeb Bush presidential contest.
Nothing lasts forever in this wonderful and awful universe of CHANGE- not even entrenched plutocracies.Not even the bull market, not even THE MARKET.Allah must be GREAT !

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