Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Malcolm X told black kids: think for yourself... good advice for Brown students too

Brown Daily Herald apologizes for " racist " columns
  As a democratic Socialist I have always thought anti-racism is inseparable from class struggle issues. I just read Brown professor Ken Miller's opinion column ( October 31,2013 ) on his vivid memory of American Nazi Party leader George Lincoln Rockwell's controversial ( to say the least ) speech at Brown University on November 30, 1966. Miller clearly thinks it is important to know the beast because IT CAN HAPPEN HERE . Even right wing Donald Trump reminds this 60s " radical " of the Sinclair Lewis Depression Era novel about how fascism can come to America.
The removal of an " offensive " column only arouses my curiosity about the author. If his column invites COMMENT -like right here- why the panic over obnoxious views ? Saner , more informed minds can always check any pernicious column or article even in a student newspaper.
Does a self appointed moral elite get to decide the limits of tolerance for different views ? Could Black Muslim Malcolm X speak on your campus today ? A lot of haughty anti-racist academics -rather curiously-have no quarrel with the capitalist system. Malcolm X linked capitalism with racism : " Show me a capitalist and I'll show you a blood sucker ", Malcolm said. Was he a hater too ? Malcolm told black kids in Harlem : you must above all think for yourself. Good advice for Ivy League scholars.
Nazi George Lincoln Rockwell spoke at Brown University on November 30, 1966

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