Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Malcolm X stood for simple justice BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY

   Nobody in this society has a greater sense of ENTITLEMENT than police officers. The business people fawn on them-and naturally they come to expect favors. Slowly they become more and more corrupt -always on the take. Do a GOOGLE check on corrupt-and convicted- Providence cops.
The black Dunkin Donuts employee who writes BLACK LIVES MATTER on a cup of coffee- bought by an on-duty cop -is seeing a uniformed representative of an oppressive social system-nothing personal : it is a confrontation of often corrupt AUTHORITY with the smoldering resentment of " under-privilege "
So along with an often free cup of coffee this generic COP gets a WRITTEN WARNING that he might not read in his often FREE Providence Journal: BLACK LIVES MATTER !
" Brother " Malcolm X has a lot of interesting observations on the strained relationship between white cops and the black Americans living in still rather segregated neighborhoods .Still RELEVANT after his assassination in 1965-anti-racist AND anti-capitalist . Forever Malcolm - " He was our Black Prince ".( The " New Malcolm" take note.)
His Black Muslims were always protesting against police brutality.
Malcolm X was for simple JUSTICE - BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY 

    " I have long felt that many American police officers do not see themselves as being bound by the same laws of decency and morality that bind the rest of us. They too often believe that they are above the law, that they are better than the rest of us, that they are entitled to obedience because of their lordly status. " ( excerpt from " An astounding sense of entitlement "  in  CLASSICALLY LIBERAL )
Malcolm X - " He was our Black Prince ".

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