Saturday, October 17, 2015

FIRE-carbon burning- that got homo sapiens started as a self-conscious species

    I think Senator Whitehouse is wise to keep the dialogue open with climate change deniers who simply fail to grasp the GRAVITAS of the danger. Charlatan and corrupted scientists-in the pay of BIG ENERGY as other degreed charlatans were in the pay of BIG TOBACCO-are easily dismissed. As Karl Marx said : " To every dog his master is divine ".
I don't think Senator Whitehouse himself sees how profoundly the world economic system must change into a rational, sustainable, almost ZERO GROWTH system of production. I am sure that Bernie Sanders understands that there has a been a " greening of Socialism " since the first Earth Day in 1970. Socialism cannot promise MORE things, more consumerism-just more egalitarianism, more social justice, more social sanity.
Even Pope Francis politely tells the Catholic faithful that they need not reproduce like rabbits.
Beyond the crisis of global capitalism we face becoming one more FAILED SPECIES. The story of humanity will be written in stone-just as the story of the dinosaurs , the " terrible lizards " who for 100 million years dominated life on earth. WE have been around for about a million years. It was FIRE-carbon burning-that got us started as a self-conscious species. Cooked food gave us the extra calories to grow our magnificent ( ? ) brains. **** SAPIENS !
Is homo sapiens  becoming a FAILED SPECIES ?

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