Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Saturday, October 31, 2015
We can end capitalism - BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY
This FBI idiot James Comey fears that the ruling class police force will be inhibited in gunning down black youths fleeing from the cops after a rather petty crime against capitalist private property.
I still find highly relevant and instructive the speeches Malcolm X made in the last year of his life-1965.Malcolm would never tell an angry crowd aroused by an incident of police brutality: " The cops are your best friends. Leave it to the FBI to unmask RACIST cops . ".
Malcolm X had no use for " liberal " friends of the " Other America " in the Democratic Party.
And I love this Malcolm X quote : " Show me a capitalist and I'll show you a blood sucker ". Read his bitter sermon about the difference between the " house negro " and the " field negro " ( his own phrases ) .
In the last year of his life Malcolm X made a connection between racism and capitalism , between racism and imperialism.
And Dr. Ben Carson, you are no Malcolm X. And Senator Bernie Sanders, you are no Eugene V. Debs.
Forget about what Hillary can do for racism and class inequality !
We can end capitalism - BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.

I still find highly relevant and instructive the speeches Malcolm X made in the last year of his life-1965.Malcolm would never tell an angry crowd aroused by an incident of police brutality: " The cops are your best friends. Leave it to the FBI to unmask RACIST cops . ".
Malcolm X had no use for " liberal " friends of the " Other America " in the Democratic Party.
And I love this Malcolm X quote : " Show me a capitalist and I'll show you a blood sucker ". Read his bitter sermon about the difference between the " house negro " and the " field negro " ( his own phrases ) .
In the last year of his life Malcolm X made a connection between racism and capitalism , between racism and imperialism.
And Dr. Ben Carson, you are no Malcolm X. And Senator Bernie Sanders, you are no Eugene V. Debs.
Forget about what Hillary can do for racism and class inequality !
We can end capitalism - BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.
Friday, October 30, 2015
An enlightened society can " cure " sex offenders
ACLU defends sex offenders human rights There is no need for an enlightened society to be more punitive toward sex offenders than any other group of malefactors.
The key to protecting children from all forms of abuse is a new form of family life not centered on isolated mothers and fathers. A revolution in communal architecture is needed here.
Even elderly people will benefit from more COMMUNAL living.
Sex offenders should not be permitted to live bored, idle, useless lives. True enough, the devil finds an outlet for their vital energy.
Is it taboo to suggest that legalized prostitution might help to minimize sexual obsessions and misery ? Prisoners are warped and made depraved by a deprived " love life ". What does homosexual rape in prison do for their mental health ?
We need to listen to old Freud and recall the famous Kinsey Report.
The key to protecting children from all forms of abuse is a new form of family life not centered on isolated mothers and fathers. A revolution in communal architecture is needed here.
Even elderly people will benefit from more COMMUNAL living.
Sex offenders should not be permitted to live bored, idle, useless lives. True enough, the devil finds an outlet for their vital energy.
Is it taboo to suggest that legalized prostitution might help to minimize sexual obsessions and misery ? Prisoners are warped and made depraved by a deprived " love life ". What does homosexual rape in prison do for their mental health ?
We need to listen to old Freud and recall the famous Kinsey Report.
Did our Founding Fathers settle the American Way of Life for all time ?
Republican presidential debate
I wish NPR could comment on these presidential debates with a healthy
dose of Ralph Nader's cynicism about our two party system.To, be sure
they are not a THINK TANK SEMINAR. But show me a think tank seminar not
devoted to ruling class interests. Show me a presidential candidate- with
the possible exception of " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders of
Vermont-who is any threat to the capitalist profit system ? The Right
blathers about the American Way of Life as if it were settled for all
time by the Founding Fathers more than 200 years ago -in another era.
Imagine if any of these brilliant political thinkers prated about the
virtues of free enterprise capitalism while slavery was still legal in
the now United States ? Slavery WORKED too -for the Southern slave
And where did the Constitution institutionalize the TWO parties that dominate the country today- Democrat and Republican ?
Does the working class have a right to pursue happiness by checking -forever- capitalist greed ? Does existing PRIVATE PROPERTY law establish the right of a tiny wealthy class to OWN the very land that was Indian Land in the beginning ? But the Native Americans lacked the European settlers sense of private property, their belief that GREED IS GOOD . They thought the land could only belong to the Great Spirit .
And where did the Constitution institutionalize the TWO parties that dominate the country today- Democrat and Republican ?
Does the working class have a right to pursue happiness by checking -forever- capitalist greed ? Does existing PRIVATE PROPERTY law establish the right of a tiny wealthy class to OWN the very land that was Indian Land in the beginning ? But the Native Americans lacked the European settlers sense of private property, their belief that GREED IS GOOD . They thought the land could only belong to the Great Spirit .
Thursday, October 29, 2015
American Socialist regime appoints Edward Snowden head of the IRS
Asylum sought for Edward Snowden
I completely agree with the decision of the European Parliament to urge
asylum to the American whistle blower Edward Snowden. This reckless
mass spying operation on ordinary Americans is consistent with the
warped mind of the founding father of the FBI- J.Edgar Hoover.
This great enemy of freedom and democracy around the world pretends to be its guardian angel. A democratic socialist government in Washington, D.C. would quickly abolish the FBI, the CIA, Homeland Security, and most of the U.S. military establishment. It would end the phony war on terrorism in the Middle East - just a cover for U.S. imperialist interests.
It would also -overnight - free tens of thousands of poor and working class prisoners of the American Gulag. And dismiss ALL the black robed YOUR HONORS in the country loyal only to the ONE PERCENT plutocracy. A democratic Socialist America will quickly deprive the plutocracy of its wealth- and freeze all of its bank accounts.
Edward Snowden would be asked to head a much more formidable Internal Revenue Service. He will have full access to the digitized files on wealthy Americans.
This great enemy of freedom and democracy around the world pretends to be its guardian angel. A democratic socialist government in Washington, D.C. would quickly abolish the FBI, the CIA, Homeland Security, and most of the U.S. military establishment. It would end the phony war on terrorism in the Middle East - just a cover for U.S. imperialist interests.
It would also -overnight - free tens of thousands of poor and working class prisoners of the American Gulag. And dismiss ALL the black robed YOUR HONORS in the country loyal only to the ONE PERCENT plutocracy. A democratic Socialist America will quickly deprive the plutocracy of its wealth- and freeze all of its bank accounts.
Edward Snowden would be asked to head a much more formidable Internal Revenue Service. He will have full access to the digitized files on wealthy Americans.
War on drugs a colossal failure
Bernie Sanders wants marijuana decriminalized
In general, the war on drugs-like the " war on terrorism " -is a
bungled, expensive, stupid, ill-conceived, bureaucratic nightmare------a
colossal failure.
The root of terrorism is the culture despair of the Islamic World. The root of the drug culture is the alienation of the jobless, hopeless, clueless young generation.
There is no hope for a better life for the masses under the domination of global capitalism.
America is all about FREEDOM, the voice of the ruling class proclaims. But for whom - the ONE PERCENT ?
Only Bernie Sanders-among Democrats- challenges the capitalist world view. But he is impotent to change the political system.
The root of terrorism is the culture despair of the Islamic World. The root of the drug culture is the alienation of the jobless, hopeless, clueless young generation.
There is no hope for a better life for the masses under the domination of global capitalism.
America is all about FREEDOM, the voice of the ruling class proclaims. But for whom - the ONE PERCENT ?
Only Bernie Sanders-among Democrats- challenges the capitalist world view. But he is impotent to change the political system.
The CHIEF EXECUTIVE of the United States is invariably pro-capitalist
Republican presidential debate
In order to be considered as a viable candidate for president of the
United States-its CHIEF EXECUTIVE officer-a candidate from the
Republican or Democrat Party must show that he or she is acceptable to
most of the other lesser corporate executives. There are few fundamental
disagreements on the sacrosanct nature of the capitalist profit
These ambitious Republicans last night merely tried to sell their personality -in the first place- to their ruling class masters, the ONE PERCENT as a collective social organism. The winner will be the one who succeeds in bamboozling the most voters into believing that HE or SHE best represents America-" the land of the free and the home of the brave ".
The ONLY hope for ANY Republican getting elected president in 2016 is an extremely low voter turn out.
The Democrats at least talk the talk to the common people about really making life better for them. But as Ralph Nader pointed out, they too are controlled by corporate money interests.
The popularity of " socialist " Bernie Sanders is just evidence of much " pressure from below " on the Democratic Party.
One day this PRIVATE PROPERTY lunatic asylum will be challenged much more boldly by REAL socialists.
The young Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky thought long before 1917 : " one day we would get the better of that lunatic asylum " [ Czarism in capitalist Russia ]
These ambitious Republicans last night merely tried to sell their personality -in the first place- to their ruling class masters, the ONE PERCENT as a collective social organism. The winner will be the one who succeeds in bamboozling the most voters into believing that HE or SHE best represents America-" the land of the free and the home of the brave ".
The ONLY hope for ANY Republican getting elected president in 2016 is an extremely low voter turn out.
The Democrats at least talk the talk to the common people about really making life better for them. But as Ralph Nader pointed out, they too are controlled by corporate money interests.
The popularity of " socialist " Bernie Sanders is just evidence of much " pressure from below " on the Democratic Party.
One day this PRIVATE PROPERTY lunatic asylum will be challenged much more boldly by REAL socialists.
The young Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky thought long before 1917 : " one day we would get the better of that lunatic asylum " [ Czarism in capitalist Russia ]
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The young Trotsky plotting an uprising in Czarist Russia |
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Science celebrity Neil DeGrasse Tyson intoxicated with celebrity
AS the ubiquitous capitalist news media VOICE OF SCIENCE Neil
DeGrasse Tyson is turning off very many quite " progressive " souls. He
lacks the social conscience of Carl Sagan and Isaac Asimov. Making fun
of the Catholic belief in the Holy Eucharist shows him to be an
insensitive person -like so many obnoxious New Atheists.
Tyson does speak well for Science in this deadly serious matter of global warming. But he seems to have no quarrel with capitalist consumerism- the root cause of the destruction of the environment of the Good Earth.
Does respectable SCIENCE want to adapt itself to our " Culture of Narcissism ". ? Neil is clearly intoxicated with CELEBRITY. But he is just a mediocre astrophysicist-famous only for falsely demoting little Pluto- now a very interesting WORLD indeed.
I would not pay one dollar to hear Neil De Grasse Tyson lecture. Isaac Asimov once wondered if God-if HE did exist- would tolerate a " wise guy atheist " .
I am sure Isaac is now enjoying a truly divine view of the heavens. And so is Carl. But come Judgment Day, Neil will hear .....louder and louder... the cries of the damned.
Unless he repents-- .and endorses Bernie Sanders for president.
Tyson does speak well for Science in this deadly serious matter of global warming. But he seems to have no quarrel with capitalist consumerism- the root cause of the destruction of the environment of the Good Earth.
Does respectable SCIENCE want to adapt itself to our " Culture of Narcissism ". ? Neil is clearly intoxicated with CELEBRITY. But he is just a mediocre astrophysicist-famous only for falsely demoting little Pluto- now a very interesting WORLD indeed.
I would not pay one dollar to hear Neil De Grasse Tyson lecture. Isaac Asimov once wondered if God-if HE did exist- would tolerate a " wise guy atheist " .
I am sure Isaac is now enjoying a truly divine view of the heavens. And so is Carl. But come Judgment Day, Neil will hear .....louder and louder... the cries of the damned.
Unless he repents-- .and endorses Bernie Sanders for president.
Why I know Jeus is a communist
Comforting to know that Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson -now leading fascist- minded Donald Trump in the polls- brings a Christian fundamentalist perspective to the problems of U.S. imperialism. Dr. Ben always asks himself : " What would Jesus do ? "
But a disgraced Catholic TV celebrity priest, Father John Corapi, told an audience packed with the faithful during the Iraq War : " Mother Mary wears combat boots ". It follows that Dr. Ben's Jesus wears them too.
That " Prince of Peace " slop is strictly for Quakers-like Richard M. Nixon .
During the Vietnam War Cardinal Spellman reminded patriotic Americans that " there are no atheists in foxholes ". His Holiness had visions of atomic mushroom clouds over communist North Vietnam.
I concluded way back then that Jesus was a communist too. Jesus says : STOP THE IMPERIALIST WARS... BRING ALL THE TROOPS HOME NOW ...........................................

But a disgraced Catholic TV celebrity priest, Father John Corapi, told an audience packed with the faithful during the Iraq War : " Mother Mary wears combat boots ". It follows that Dr. Ben's Jesus wears them too.
That " Prince of Peace " slop is strictly for Quakers-like Richard M. Nixon .
During the Vietnam War Cardinal Spellman reminded patriotic Americans that " there are no atheists in foxholes ". His Holiness had visions of atomic mushroom clouds over communist North Vietnam.
I concluded way back then that Jesus was a communist too. Jesus says : STOP THE IMPERIALIST WARS... BRING ALL THE TROOPS HOME NOW ...........................................
Cardinal Spellman and Pope Pius XII. Pius always had deep affection for Cardinal Francis Spellman, Archbishop of New York, whom he raised to Cardinal in February, 1946. These two consistently promoted the Cold War, never condemning the U.S. plans to use the atom bomb, even after President Truman's declaration that "it looks like World War III is near."
Useless politicians - does anybody have any ideas ?
" Does anybody have any ideas ? ", Raymond Trabulsi asks. It seems that generic politicians are not serving well us generic citizens. But is there ANY real citizen who is above all interest groups, himself or herself just a generic TAX PAYER ?
I suspect that " socialist " Democrat Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont has some interesting ideas about the nature of the problem.
A class divided society explains both the corrupt politicians and the frustrated, angry working class and middle class GOOD CITIZENS.
As a democratic Socialist myself I have a few IDEAS about the blessings of free market capitalism
I suspect that " socialist " Democrat Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont has some interesting ideas about the nature of the problem.
A class divided society explains both the corrupt politicians and the frustrated, angry working class and middle class GOOD CITIZENS.
As a democratic Socialist myself I have a few IDEAS about the blessings of free market capitalism
FBI director thinks scrutiny harms police work
Less police scrutiny ?
What is this FBI idiot suggesting ? The news media should turn a
blind eye to police brutality ? Let the cops do the job the ruling
class assigns to them: protect the private property of the rich, above
all protect BIG BUSINESS. The gun lobby has the right solution for
nervous and paranoid small business.
American capitalist society will NEVER put human rights above property rights.
Why should ordinary Americans love -and defend- this vile , mean spirited system ?
Can you possibly be a democratic Socialist and still be a cop lover ?
Because they are the pit bull pets of the ruling class police officers have a tremendous sense of entitlement-and a generalized contempt for the public.
American capitalist society will NEVER put human rights above property rights.
Why should ordinary Americans love -and defend- this vile , mean spirited system ?
Can you possibly be a democratic Socialist and still be a cop lover ?
Because they are the pit bull pets of the ruling class police officers have a tremendous sense of entitlement-and a generalized contempt for the public.
Idiot FBI chief James Comey |
Admission Fee to the gravesite of Karl Marx
Entry fee for Marx grave visit
Any person with a respect for human history will respect the remains-
and the grave sites -of those thinkers and doers who shook the
world.Way back in the tumultuous 60s I read a book titled : " The Living
Thoughts of Karl Marx ". And these were best summed up by Engels'
graveside speech so many years ago.
Marx made it clear that modern capitalism did not abolish exploitation, that the modern wage slaves still had " nothing to lose but their chains ".
Just recently I came across by Google Search any number of thoughtful articles asking the question : " Was Marx right ? " .
Many clear thinking writers believe that he was quite right.
Marx made it clear that modern capitalism did not abolish exploitation, that the modern wage slaves still had " nothing to lose but their chains ".
Just recently I came across by Google Search any number of thoughtful articles asking the question : " Was Marx right ? " .
Many clear thinking writers believe that he was quite right.
For Marx was before all else a revolutionist. His real mission in
life was to contribute, in one way or another, to the overthrow of
capitalist society and of the state institutions which it had brought
into being, to contribute to the liberation of the modern proletariat,
which he was the first to make consciou
- See more at:
- See more at:
For Marx was before all else a revolutionist. His real mission in
life was to contribute, in one way or another, to the overthrow of
capitalist society and of the state institutions which it had brought
into being, to contribute to the liberation of the modern proletariat,
which he was the first to make consciou
- See more at:
- See more at:
Monday, October 26, 2015
American psychiatry no longer listens to troubled souls
Family of parade crash killer speaks out
The woman was clearly a mental case. Only an idiot judge will find EVIL in
the souls of the severely mentally ill. Our mental health system stinks.
Many sick individuals need long term care in a compassionate, secure
environment. Just who is OK after two weeks of " better living through
chemistry " ?
American psychiatry is corrupt and incompetent. It no longer LISTENS to troubled souls.
Verdict already in : NOT GUILTY ! There will be many more such horror stories of the neglected mentally ill. Shame on America !
They shut down the mental hospitals 50 years ago. Whole books have been written about the " crime of de-institutionalization ".
Verdict already in : NOT GUILTY ! There will be many more such horror stories of the neglected mentally ill. Shame on America !
They shut down the mental hospitals 50 years ago. Whole books have been written about the " crime of de-institutionalization ".
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Adacia Chambers was mentally ill, family says |
A future Great Plague will scowl at ALL national-patriotic borders
On the very day I read this article about the inhumane treatment of desperate refugees in Germany, I hear right wing rants about Little Rhode Island being " overwhelmed " by ILLEGAL ALIENS. The hysteria in the Talk Radio callers reminds me of the 1950s McCarthy era cult movie " The Invasion of the Body Snatchers ". The first hysterical voice noticed just " too many Spanish speakers " in the Warwick Mall.
Capitalist private property rights rule out decent housing for thousands of the chronically homeless here. Homeless people in Kennedy Plaza protest against routine police harassment. Looking down on them is towering vacant skyscraper called " The Superman Building ". We must respect the OWNER's property !
A 67 year old friend of mine is " living " presently in his 20 year old Lincoln town car. His meager SSI money is making it impossible to afford the CHEAPEST rooms here. He has applied for public housing.... waiting, waiting , waiting ".
I guess old Karl Marx was right : " working people have no country ". How many distinct nation states are visible from the Moon ? Do you see Hungary ? Austria ? Syria ? Iraq ?
To be sure, a future Great Plague will scowl at ALL national-patriotic borders. Let us hope that Socialists Without Borders are not as rare and endangered as Doctors Without Borders.
Capitalist private property rights rule out decent housing for thousands of the chronically homeless here. Homeless people in Kennedy Plaza protest against routine police harassment. Looking down on them is towering vacant skyscraper called " The Superman Building ". We must respect the OWNER's property !
A 67 year old friend of mine is " living " presently in his 20 year old Lincoln town car. His meager SSI money is making it impossible to afford the CHEAPEST rooms here. He has applied for public housing.... waiting, waiting , waiting ".
I guess old Karl Marx was right : " working people have no country ". How many distinct nation states are visible from the Moon ? Do you see Hungary ? Austria ? Syria ? Iraq ?
To be sure, a future Great Plague will scowl at ALL national-patriotic borders. Let us hope that Socialists Without Borders are not as rare and endangered as Doctors Without Borders.
Epidemics recognize the human race as ONE |
Harpy Hillary must prove her " macho-man " soul by hawkish state-craft
Harpy Hillary's state-craft is wicked enough without associating her with witchcraft. And I have an Edward Snowden perspective on her email " scandal " : most state secrets are an elitist conspiracy behind the backs of ordinary, peace-loving American citizens.
Neither Hillary Clinton nor the slain American ambassador were on any Nobel Peace Prize winning mission.
Harpy Hillary-as Ralph Nader points out- needs to prove her " macho-man " soul by ordering pointless military aggression.
That was the whole point of her rude snub of pacifist Lincoln Chafee in the Great Debate. What FEMINIST progress- a female warrior in the White House !
Yes, Hillary Clinton has certainly betrayed her Vietnam Era youthful idealism : " When will we ever learn... when will we ever learn ".
Afghanistan and Iraq are FAILED WARS just like the Vietnam War- and just as criminal ( the latest U.S. war crime the bombing of Doctors Without Borders trauma hospital in Afghanistan ).
Neither Hillary Clinton nor the slain American ambassador were on any Nobel Peace Prize winning mission.
Harpy Hillary-as Ralph Nader points out- needs to prove her " macho-man " soul by ordering pointless military aggression.
That was the whole point of her rude snub of pacifist Lincoln Chafee in the Great Debate. What FEMINIST progress- a female warrior in the White House !
Yes, Hillary Clinton has certainly betrayed her Vietnam Era youthful idealism : " When will we ever learn... when will we ever learn ".
Afghanistan and Iraq are FAILED WARS just like the Vietnam War- and just as criminal ( the latest U.S. war crime the bombing of Doctors Without Borders trauma hospital in Afghanistan ).
Benghazi attack on American consulate |
Vladimir Lenin likened to Darth Vader ?
Lenin statue made over into Darth Vader Perhaps the greatest revolutionary of all time, Vladimir Lenin can be
likened to the " personification of sinister " galactic empire
defender-Darth Vader-only by anti-socialist, pro-capitalist servants of
U.S. imperialist intrigue. Do they fear that Lenin's dead " communist
empire " might strike back ? The 100th anniversary of 1917 Bolshevik
Revolution is just two years away. Capitalism has been a more dismal
failure in post Cold War Russia than any of Stalin's numerous and
notorious Five Year Plans.
With the popularity of the Bernie Sanders campaign in the United States in these past few months we see a revival of interest in democratic Socialism.
For most working class people the system that NEVER works is called capitalism.This system is making life hopeless for young ,talented people everywhere. This system is destroying not only human hope but it is a threat to the living environment, to all life on the Good Earth.
Anybody who believes in the bright future of global capitalism is a reactionary fool.
With the popularity of the Bernie Sanders campaign in the United States in these past few months we see a revival of interest in democratic Socialism.
For most working class people the system that NEVER works is called capitalism.This system is making life hopeless for young ,talented people everywhere. This system is destroying not only human hope but it is a threat to the living environment, to all life on the Good Earth.
Anybody who believes in the bright future of global capitalism is a reactionary fool.
A reactionary fear that the spirit of Leninism will strike back ? |
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Would Jesus accept an invitation to Dr. Ben Carson's Tea Party ?
Ben Carson- anti-abortion fanatic ?
think Pope Francis was right to suggest that Catholic zealots on the
issue of abortion tone down the rhetoric. But any medical doctor should
respect HUMAN life-and DNA-not holy books-decides that the fetus is
human from the moment of conception. The progressive left must live with
this truth.
What amazes me is how quickly this fundamentalist Christian -Dr.Ben Carson- should suddenly become THE VOICE of a Republican Party dominated by the spirit of the militant atheist Ayn Rand and her " Virtue of Selfishness ".
Is free market capitalism compatible with LIFE ON EARTH- never mind the RIGHT TO LIFE ?
By the way, Catholic theology made its peace with modern science many years ago. It has no quarrel with Darwin's evolution or Carl Sagan's " Big Bang ". It does have a quarrel with Wall Street values.
But what does right wing Ben Carson have in common with Catholic social philosophy ? Would Jesus accept an invitation to his Tea Party ?
What amazes me is how quickly this fundamentalist Christian -Dr.Ben Carson- should suddenly become THE VOICE of a Republican Party dominated by the spirit of the militant atheist Ayn Rand and her " Virtue of Selfishness ".
Is free market capitalism compatible with LIFE ON EARTH- never mind the RIGHT TO LIFE ?
By the way, Catholic theology made its peace with modern science many years ago. It has no quarrel with Darwin's evolution or Carl Sagan's " Big Bang ". It does have a quarrel with Wall Street values.
But what does right wing Ben Carson have in common with Catholic social philosophy ? Would Jesus accept an invitation to his Tea Party ?
Dr. Ben Carson speaks at anti-abortion rally |
A great teacher-like Bertrand Russell- knows that TRUTH is subversive
the art of teaching
If teachers "don't learn on the job ", then we simply must INVEST
more money in vapid and often ludicrous TEACHER EDUCATION. It does help
to actually know and understand the subject matter. It does help to
KNOW the individual student. Saying his or her name out loud is just a
public relations gimmick if that is ALL you know about the kid.
What does help is this : interest and enthusiasm for the subject matter is contagious. I recall- looking back at some of my elementary and high school teachers- thinking : " If YOU are not interested in this subject ( a bored look while reading from the text ), don't expect that you'll get ME interested. " What is the bright student to think when he or she discovers that TRUTH is shocking to all right minded public school teachers ?
Isaac Asimov had some sarcastic comments about public school teaching. A truly blessed student is one who gets interested independently in an INTERESTING universe-where all subjects are connected.Asimov had great hopes for the just beginning Internet.
Boredom is the root of all evil.Read a few of British philosopher Bertrand Russell's essays on the art of teaching, on good education. He knew that TRUTH is invariably subversive.
What does help is this : interest and enthusiasm for the subject matter is contagious. I recall- looking back at some of my elementary and high school teachers- thinking : " If YOU are not interested in this subject ( a bored look while reading from the text ), don't expect that you'll get ME interested. " What is the bright student to think when he or she discovers that TRUTH is shocking to all right minded public school teachers ?
Isaac Asimov had some sarcastic comments about public school teaching. A truly blessed student is one who gets interested independently in an INTERESTING universe-where all subjects are connected.Asimov had great hopes for the just beginning Internet.
Boredom is the root of all evil.Read a few of British philosopher Bertrand Russell's essays on the art of teaching, on good education. He knew that TRUTH is invariably subversive.
On the Republican right: Donald Trump vs. Dr. Ben Carson
Ralph Nader was right about BOTH major parties serving the U.S.
plutocracy.This ruling class needs an individual human face to
effectively rule. In the Democratic Party they must decide: Hillary or
Sanders ? In the Republican Party : Donald Trump or Dr. Ben Carson.
None of the candidates- not even " socialist " Sanders - is a threat to class rule in America.
Carson is being puffed up for ordinary professional competence. His " brilliance " is a gift of the ad campaign. He is a reactionary voice for the diminished Christian Right whereas most Republicans are shameless fans of the militant atheist Ayn Rand and her " Virtue of Selfishness ".
Do you think Catholic Jeb Bush agrees with Pope Francis on the environment threat or Catholic social philosophy ?
None of the candidates- not even " socialist " Sanders - is a threat to class rule in America.
Carson is being puffed up for ordinary professional competence. His " brilliance " is a gift of the ad campaign. He is a reactionary voice for the diminished Christian Right whereas most Republicans are shameless fans of the militant atheist Ayn Rand and her " Virtue of Selfishness ".
Do you think Catholic Jeb Bush agrees with Pope Francis on the environment threat or Catholic social philosophy ?
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Election 2016 decided by angry mobs in Washington, D.C. ?
The U.S. ruling class has been using its two party system to deceive and swindle working class voters since the days of President William McKinley. I have observed that working class voters have gut feelings on any number of " culture war " issues. All they get from Democrats is a supercilious contempt. Is it surprising that the chaos , misery, and insecurity in the " Other America " makes these people feel deeply about their FAITH ? The liberal elite of the Democrat Party begin to sound like a chorus for the hateful " New Atheism ".
And yet the militant atheist Ayn Rand-the capitalist worshiping author of " The Virtue of Selfishness " -is the guiding spirit of the Republican Party today. What does Ayn Rand Thought have in common with Jesus and his " The Sermon on the Mount " ?
Imagine politicians who are so pro-war, so pro-death penalty, so opposed to the Roosevelt Era " Helping Hand " of government, so relentless in their class war on working people, proclaiming themselves RIGHT TO LIFE champions ? Allying themselves with the CHRISTIAN Right ? No, the U.S. ruling class is now mostly New Atheist. But they would have us believe that THEY rule by divine right .
So out of touch is the hard core of Democrats and Republicans that I can picture Election 2016 decided by angry mobs in the streets of Washington, D.C. Rather like Cairo, Egypt in 2011 . If not, then truly Allah is great !
A choice between Hillary and " The Donald ". You kid me not ?
And yet the militant atheist Ayn Rand-the capitalist worshiping author of " The Virtue of Selfishness " -is the guiding spirit of the Republican Party today. What does Ayn Rand Thought have in common with Jesus and his " The Sermon on the Mount " ?
Imagine politicians who are so pro-war, so pro-death penalty, so opposed to the Roosevelt Era " Helping Hand " of government, so relentless in their class war on working people, proclaiming themselves RIGHT TO LIFE champions ? Allying themselves with the CHRISTIAN Right ? No, the U.S. ruling class is now mostly New Atheist. But they would have us believe that THEY rule by divine right .
So out of touch is the hard core of Democrats and Republicans that I can picture Election 2016 decided by angry mobs in the streets of Washington, D.C. Rather like Cairo, Egypt in 2011 . If not, then truly Allah is great !
A choice between Hillary and " The Donald ". You kid me not ?
Picture " Uncle Bernie " as a sinister doorman for a Newport mansion
No honest " socialist " would insist that the pro-capitalist political machine called the Democratic Party can be overnight converted into a weapon of class struggle for the voting masses.
I give Bernie Sanders praise for helping to un-demonize the WORD socialism in American politics.
But in truth Sanders is not as progressively militant as Ralph Nader, nor as passionately anti-war as Lincoln Chafee.
How can this two party system in America- controlled by the big corporations- deal with the reality of class division and polarization ?
They puff up BOTH Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. In fact both Trump and Sanders agree : " The American Dream is dead ".
Honest socialism questions and challenges the very legitimacy of legitimate wealth . That has world shaking consequences.
The famous psychiatrist Sigmund Freud said that the voice of reason is a soft voice but it does not rest until it gets a hearing.
Slam the front doors on the IDEA of socialism and it will find an opening in a back window. Picture Bernie Sanders as a sinister doorman for a ruling class mansion in Newport. He distributes nasty little leaflets to the guided tour crowd. But he can be bought off with a bottle of fine Russian Vodka and Cuban cigars. But the family pit bull still does not like " Uncle Bernie ".
Even advanced Hidden Persuader techniques will never twist the meaning of socialism into something unthreatening to the privileged classes.
I give Bernie Sanders praise for helping to un-demonize the WORD socialism in American politics.
But in truth Sanders is not as progressively militant as Ralph Nader, nor as passionately anti-war as Lincoln Chafee.
How can this two party system in America- controlled by the big corporations- deal with the reality of class division and polarization ?
They puff up BOTH Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. In fact both Trump and Sanders agree : " The American Dream is dead ".
Honest socialism questions and challenges the very legitimacy of legitimate wealth . That has world shaking consequences.
The famous psychiatrist Sigmund Freud said that the voice of reason is a soft voice but it does not rest until it gets a hearing.
Slam the front doors on the IDEA of socialism and it will find an opening in a back window. Picture Bernie Sanders as a sinister doorman for a ruling class mansion in Newport. He distributes nasty little leaflets to the guided tour crowd. But he can be bought off with a bottle of fine Russian Vodka and Cuban cigars. But the family pit bull still does not like " Uncle Bernie ".
Even advanced Hidden Persuader techniques will never twist the meaning of socialism into something unthreatening to the privileged classes.
![]() |
Off duty doorman dreams of " socialist " abundance |
A maddeningly frustrating political situation in U.S. for most " leftists ".
No doubt we have maddeningly frustrating situation in the United States for people vaguely " on the left ". It is nonsense to believe any individual who just calls himself a " socialist " can rise above the pro-capitalist political machine to which he chooses to belong , to which he owes loyalty. If you are a Catholic " free thinker " , it would be rather unprincipled of you to run for Pope.
The neo-liberal Democrats in general make New Deal president Franklin D. Roosevelt look like a flaming Bolshevik. And yet so far right has the ruling class shifted the political spectrum that President Obama and Hillary Clinton- and even Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse- are called rabid Marxists or fellow travelers taking this " land of the free and the home of the brave " down the path to socialist ruin.
I just read the celebrity " socialist " Democrat Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont wants the U.S. to finish the job in Afghanistan. A too quick pull out would be " irresponsible " ( to whom ? ). Reminds me of liberal Hubert Humphrey in Chicago in 1968. A crowd of tear gassed pacifists -protesting the criminal war in Vietnam- heard the " Happy Warrior " declare it " a just war ".
Did " socialist " Bernie Sanders ever read the famous Canton Speech of Eugene V. Debs ?
In fact, the ONLY Democratic candidate for president with an unambiguous anti-war position was the born plutocrat Lincoln Chafee. Ralph Nader made this observation and commented that the hapless Chafee was quickly marginalized in the Great Debate. Yesterday Chafee withdrew from the race. And he is clearly prepared to endorse Harpy Hillary for president.
No, the Democratic Party will corrupt any obtuse " reformer " more quickly than he or she will " socialize " it.
A liberal Democrat just told me that Ralph Nader was responsible for the horror show in Afghanistan and Iraq. Ralph dared to challenge the political system with a third independent party. What nerve ! What malice ! To tell the truth is a sin against " progressive " principles.
The above article, I think , just told the truth.
I am still " waiting for Lefty ".

The neo-liberal Democrats in general make New Deal president Franklin D. Roosevelt look like a flaming Bolshevik. And yet so far right has the ruling class shifted the political spectrum that President Obama and Hillary Clinton- and even Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse- are called rabid Marxists or fellow travelers taking this " land of the free and the home of the brave " down the path to socialist ruin.
I just read the celebrity " socialist " Democrat Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont wants the U.S. to finish the job in Afghanistan. A too quick pull out would be " irresponsible " ( to whom ? ). Reminds me of liberal Hubert Humphrey in Chicago in 1968. A crowd of tear gassed pacifists -protesting the criminal war in Vietnam- heard the " Happy Warrior " declare it " a just war ".
Did " socialist " Bernie Sanders ever read the famous Canton Speech of Eugene V. Debs ?
In fact, the ONLY Democratic candidate for president with an unambiguous anti-war position was the born plutocrat Lincoln Chafee. Ralph Nader made this observation and commented that the hapless Chafee was quickly marginalized in the Great Debate. Yesterday Chafee withdrew from the race. And he is clearly prepared to endorse Harpy Hillary for president.
No, the Democratic Party will corrupt any obtuse " reformer " more quickly than he or she will " socialize " it.
A liberal Democrat just told me that Ralph Nader was responsible for the horror show in Afghanistan and Iraq. Ralph dared to challenge the political system with a third independent party. What nerve ! What malice ! To tell the truth is a sin against " progressive " principles.
The above article, I think , just told the truth.
I am still " waiting for Lefty ".

Friday, October 23, 2015
Democrats too can serve that ultimate OFFENDED MINORITY - the ONE PERCENT
In a recent column Ralph Nader pointed out that Lincoln Chafee was the ONLY Democratic presidential candidate with a passionate anti-war message. Nader observed that he was quickly marginalized.
What was pointless was this Republican inquisition- circus over Hillary's Benghazi war games. Hillary Clinton may have acted wisely or unwisely but still very much in the service of bloody imperialist politics. She started the bloody mess in Libya- along with President George W. Bush , a major American persona in destabilizing for years the Middle East. Was the killed Ambassador himself on a mission worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize ?
And now it seems that pacifist Chafee will endorse Harpy Hillary for president. Feminism can celebrate a FEMALE warrior in the White House. No glass ceilings for crazed political ambition. ALL the offended of our crackpot identity politics can serve the ONE PERCENT -the ultimate offended minority.
Nader was right : Corporate America controls BOTH major parties in America.
What was pointless was this Republican inquisition- circus over Hillary's Benghazi war games. Hillary Clinton may have acted wisely or unwisely but still very much in the service of bloody imperialist politics. She started the bloody mess in Libya- along with President George W. Bush , a major American persona in destabilizing for years the Middle East. Was the killed Ambassador himself on a mission worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize ?
And now it seems that pacifist Chafee will endorse Harpy Hillary for president. Feminism can celebrate a FEMALE warrior in the White House. No glass ceilings for crazed political ambition. ALL the offended of our crackpot identity politics can serve the ONE PERCENT -the ultimate offended minority.
Nader was right : Corporate America controls BOTH major parties in America.
Was he indeed ? |
A clinical thermometer as a tool of social justice
That odious SENSE OF ENTITLEMENT of the unworthy poor, of the lazy and stupid working class - that is the reactionary thought I hear expressed almost every minute on right-wing talk radio. " Red Eye Radio " is tireless in its monomaniacal defense of the virtues of " free market capitalism ".
As a working class person am I not " entitled " to suspect a robust-perhaps even a pathological- sense of ENTITLEMENT among the ruling class ? After all, how can they do so little and yet OWN so much of the Good Earth ? Medical science tells me that even a fine human brain-doing HARD WORK- operates with the power of a rather dull electric light bulb.
And medical science has only one objective measure of human EFFORT- calories. Imagine a clinical thermometer as a tool for social justice . It even beats the Guillotine .
It seems that WE work hard for THEIR wealth . Science proves it !

As a working class person am I not " entitled " to suspect a robust-perhaps even a pathological- sense of ENTITLEMENT among the ruling class ? After all, how can they do so little and yet OWN so much of the Good Earth ? Medical science tells me that even a fine human brain-doing HARD WORK- operates with the power of a rather dull electric light bulb.
And medical science has only one objective measure of human EFFORT- calories. Imagine a clinical thermometer as a tool for social justice . It even beats the Guillotine .
It seems that WE work hard for THEIR wealth . Science proves it !

Lincoln Chafee -a good and decent man. A better country boy
An awkward and uncharismatic politician , Lincoln Chafee was not the RIGHT STUFF for governor or president. Not a bad Mayor of Warwick, so thought my late brother Ray. Ray was an electronic technician for the Warwick Police Dept. for 20 years. As mayor Chafee approved his plan to re-design the closed circuit monitoring system in the Warwick police station - in order to catch prisoner suicide attempts.
Lincoln Chafee was a weak voice for sanity and humanity on a number of issues. He was the strongest WEAK VOICE for near pacifism in the Democratic Party-stronger here than " socialist " Bernie Sanders.
He was unyielding in his opposition to the state death penalty. He did support the human dignity of gay people who demanded " marriage ". He did champion separation of Church and State- but in a rather mulish way. Not a few religious or non-religious humanists had no quarrel with THE PRAYER ON THE WALL at Cranston West.
Lincoln Chafee- a good and decent man. A better country boy !
Lincoln Chafee was a weak voice for sanity and humanity on a number of issues. He was the strongest WEAK VOICE for near pacifism in the Democratic Party-stronger here than " socialist " Bernie Sanders.
He was unyielding in his opposition to the state death penalty. He did support the human dignity of gay people who demanded " marriage ". He did champion separation of Church and State- but in a rather mulish way. Not a few religious or non-religious humanists had no quarrel with THE PRAYER ON THE WALL at Cranston West.
Lincoln Chafee- a good and decent man. A better country boy !
Controversial prayer on the wall at Cranston West High School |
Lincoln Chafee ends hapless campaign for president
I am presently listening to Rhode Island radio barker Gene Valicenti
say that Chafee is out ( 8:29 AM, October 23 ) A joke from the
beginning to the right wing talk radio buffoons ? Lincoln was an awkward
voice for sanity and humanity on a number of issues-especially the
foolishness of our military adventures.
True, he can't be bought. But, as his Democratic friend Bernie Sanders would point out, the wealthy class itself does the buying in American elections. It is just as unethical to offer a bribe as to take it.We have a bought and sold Congress.The Koch want to buy and sell the next president-some Ayn Rand inspired Republican.
I think this wealthy class has succeeded in intimidating National Public Radio-even if NPR's instinct is honest, untainted journalism.
True, he can't be bought. But, as his Democratic friend Bernie Sanders would point out, the wealthy class itself does the buying in American elections. It is just as unethical to offer a bribe as to take it.We have a bought and sold Congress.The Koch want to buy and sell the next president-some Ayn Rand inspired Republican.
I think this wealthy class has succeeded in intimidating National Public Radio-even if NPR's instinct is honest, untainted journalism.
Chafee bows out of Dem race
Lincoln Chafee is bowing out of the Democratic race for the White House. Chafee said in a ...
The Hill - 17 mins ago
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Perhaps Netanyahu gets genocidal ideas from Islamophobe Pamela Geller ?
Arab put Holocaust ideas into Hitler's head ?
The real roots of Hitler's anti-Semitism was correctly perceived by the Russian revolutionary ( and Jew ) Leon Trotsky :
"Nationalism in economy comes down in practice to impotent though
savage outbursts of anti-Semitism. The Nazis abstract the usurious or
banking capital from the modern economic system because it is of the
spirit of evil; and, as is well known, it is precisely in this sphere
that the Jewish bourgeoisie occupies an important position. Bowing down
before capitalism as a whole, the petty bourgeois declares war against
the evil spirit of gain in the guise of the Polish Jew in a long-skirted
caftan and usually without a cent in his pocket. The pogrom becomes the
supreme evidence of racial superiority. "
Not the German SOUL but a profound crisis of capitalism created a need for a most vulnerable scapegoat in the ruined, post war Germany of the Weimar Republic.
Racism will not die as long as human society is divided into privileged and subjugated classes and groups. Way back in 1975 the United Nations declared Zionism a form of racism. Zionist philosopher Ayn Rand thought the oppressed Palestinians were inferior to the Jewish settlers of modern Israel.
Netanyahu played on anti-Palestinian prejudice in winning re-election as prime minister of Israel.
Armed with nuclear weapons Netanyahu is himself capable of HOLOCAUST genocide against the numerous " enemies of Israel " . Perhaps he gets ideas from that professional Islamophobe Pamela Geller ?
"Nationalism in economy comes down in practice to impotent though
savage outbursts of anti-Semitism. The Nazis abstract the usurious or
banking capital from the modern economic system because it is of the
spirit of evil; and, as is well known, it is precisely in this sphere
that the Jewish bourgeoisie occupies an important position. Bowing down
before capitalism as a whole, the petty bourgeois declares war against
the evil spirit of gain in the guise of the Polish Jew in a long-skirted
caftan and usually without a cent in his pocket. The pogrom becomes the
supreme evidence of racial superiority. "
Not the German SOUL but a profound crisis of capitalism created a need for a most vulnerable scapegoat in the ruined, post war Germany of the Weimar Republic.
Racism will not die as long as human society is divided into privileged and subjugated classes and groups. Way back in 1975 the United Nations declared Zionism a form of racism. Zionist philosopher Ayn Rand thought the oppressed Palestinians were inferior to the Jewish settlers of modern Israel.
Netanyahu played on anti-Palestinian prejudice in winning re-election as prime minister of Israel.
Armed with nuclear weapons Netanyahu is himself capable of HOLOCAUST genocide against the numerous " enemies of Israel " . Perhaps he gets ideas from that professional Islamophobe Pamela Geller ?
Hitler did not invent malignant race hatred |
I might write in St.Jude for president in 2016
Most socialist activists around the world simply reject " bourgeois
democracy " and have faith in CLASS STRUGGLE as the means to overthrow
the political system of capitalism. One day the democratic majority
tells the tiny class of plutocrats that their glory days of power and
arrogance are over. But what about the majestic LAW and all those
private property worshiping YOUR HONORS out there ? The People's
Government fires them !
As a democratic Socialist myself-and a registered Democrat- I give critical support to Bernie Sanders of Vermont. But in truth Sanders is not even as much a militant populist as old Ralph Nader.A serious socialist would inspire the formation of a Labor Party in the United States.
Presently far-left leftists have nowhere to go " left " of the neo-liberal Democratic Party.
We are all Greeks now ! But I am flexible. In the last Rhode Island state election I wrote in MOTHER TERESA for governor. I might write in St.Jude for president in 2016.
St. Jude is the Catholic patron saint of hopeless cases.
As a democratic Socialist myself-and a registered Democrat- I give critical support to Bernie Sanders of Vermont. But in truth Sanders is not even as much a militant populist as old Ralph Nader.A serious socialist would inspire the formation of a Labor Party in the United States.
Presently far-left leftists have nowhere to go " left " of the neo-liberal Democratic Party.
We are all Greeks now ! But I am flexible. In the last Rhode Island state election I wrote in MOTHER TERESA for governor. I might write in St.Jude for president in 2016.
St. Jude is the Catholic patron saint of hopeless cases.
Democratic Socialists scorn personal class hatred
Like Bernie Sanders I am both a democratic Socialist and a registered
Democrat- in Rhode Island. Perfectly decent socialists speak about "
class enemies " all the time. The class struggle is not a product of
petty personal hostility. But only an ignorant fanatic would want a
personal enemies list.
It is all about the rational distribution of economic surplus value.
In losing the lion's share of this the ruling class will not lose its " good life " or its human dignity.
Since the working class is a voting majority, socialism is perfectly consistent with peaceful democracy.
Only the insane greed of the few can make it bloody violent-like the Great French Revolution of 1789.
[ " Comrade Abern in his appreciation as in his perspective is moved by hatred. And personal hatred is an abominable feeling in politics "----Leon Trotsky , " In defense of Marxism " ]
In losing the lion's share of this the ruling class will not lose its " good life " or its human dignity.
Since the working class is a voting majority, socialism is perfectly consistent with peaceful democracy.
Only the insane greed of the few can make it bloody violent-like the Great French Revolution of 1789.
[ " Comrade Abern in his appreciation as in his perspective is moved by hatred. And personal hatred is an abominable feeling in politics "----Leon Trotsky , " In defense of Marxism " ]
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
David North defends revolutionary titan Leon Trotsky
I don't know much about David North but a number of writers speak with praise for North's scathing review of a rather recent biography of Trotsky by a professional LIAR named Robert Service. One article was titled: " The Re-Assassination of Leon Trotsky " by Scott McLemee .
I recall browsing this Robert Service biography of Trotsky in a public library a few years ago. I am too old now to be very partisan except for the TRUTH. That book SMELLED of the class enemy. Leon Trotsky was a revolutionary titan . That much is true.
The Re-assassination of Leon Trotsky
I want to re-read all these articles as soon as possible. Any videos available of North's most informative lectures ?
A lying biography of a revolutionary titan |
" Illegal Aliens " scare you ? Socialists believe in JOBS WITHOUT BORDERS
Right wingers have a much more punitive attitude toward " illegal aliens " ( the very phrase reeks of the detention camps) than those All-American employees who exploit, oppress, abuse, and intimidate them.
Students of American history might see some connection between our " illegal alien " problem and our not so GOOD NEIGHBOR policy toward Latin America since the days of President William McKinley.
The " unprecedented migrant crisis " all over the world confirms Karl Marx's words : " the workers of the world have no country ".
Socialists learned 100 years ago that nationalism was poison to the principle of international working class solidarity.

Students of American history might see some connection between our " illegal alien " problem and our not so GOOD NEIGHBOR policy toward Latin America since the days of President William McKinley.
The " unprecedented migrant crisis " all over the world confirms Karl Marx's words : " the workers of the world have no country ".
Socialists learned 100 years ago that nationalism was poison to the principle of international working class solidarity.

Send corporate sponsored scientist Neil De Grasse Tyson to Pluto
Just a few observations about the egomaniac , ubiquitous VOICE OF SCIENCE in the American news media- Neil De Grasse Tyson. He lacks the social conscience of Carl Sagan and Isaac Asimov. He is also an insensitive ass: mocking Catholics as " dumber than scientologists" for believing in that Holy Eucharist mysticism- which fascinated none other than Albert Einstein. He asks contemptuously why Muslim countries have produced so few Nobel Prize winners in science-in contrast to Zionist, apartheid Israel. Tyson has no quarrel with global capitalism or with U.S. imperialism. He seems to think that science can solve problems that can only be solved on the basis of more rational, socialist economic system.
I will bet that Tyson is a fan of Harpy Hillary- and has no interest in that milk toast socialist, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont.
I suspect that Neil De Grasse Tyson is also sponsored by Corporate America. He just wants to hustle federal money for the space program: After all, there is WEALTH out there. And a need for COSMIC PRIVATE PROPERTY law.
But Mars belongs to the Martians. We can send Neil to Pluto- that so interesting little PLANET he liked to belittle.
I will bet that Tyson is a fan of Harpy Hillary- and has no interest in that milk toast socialist, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont.
I suspect that Neil De Grasse Tyson is also sponsored by Corporate America. He just wants to hustle federal money for the space program: After all, there is WEALTH out there. And a need for COSMIC PRIVATE PROPERTY law.
But Mars belongs to the Martians. We can send Neil to Pluto- that so interesting little PLANET he liked to belittle.
Real national health care would put Delta Dental out of business
No Delta Dental equivalent in other advanced countries with national health care
A real national health care plan-not this farce called
Obama-care--would put Delta Dental out of business. We read again and
again that dental health is inseparable from general physical health.
Community mental health clinics are shabby substitute for the damage
done by 50 years of " de-institutionalization, the destruction of the
U.S. mental health system-- now responsible for mass homelessness among
the seriously mentally ill. And how does this " good news " fit in with
Hillary clone Gina Raimondo's cut backs to Rhode Island Medicaid funding
? Truly Orwellian GOOD NEWS .
The idea of health care as a BASIC HUMAN RIGHT - Ted Kennedy's phrase-has been undermined by BUSINESS AS USUAL Obama-care.
I hope our " socialist " friend Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont has bolder ideas on " socialized medicine " than he has on peace in the Middle East.
The idea of health care as a BASIC HUMAN RIGHT - Ted Kennedy's phrase-has been undermined by BUSINESS AS USUAL Obama-care.
I hope our " socialist " friend Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont has bolder ideas on " socialized medicine " than he has on peace in the Middle East.
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Dental Health is inseparable from general health
``As the state’s largest dental insurer, we are committed to the oral health of all Rhode Islanders, not just those fortunate enough to have Delta Dental Coverage,’’ said Joe Nagle, ceo of Delta Dental.
Why does our pathetic national health care plan - a miserable compromise mockingly called OBAMA CARE- not recognize dental health as inseparable from general health ? There are still poor people and working class uninsured people who go around with infected gums, broken teeth, swollen jaws. FOR PROFIT dentists will not welcome them in the waiting room. They refuse to SEE them !
Neglected dental health care can complicate all sorts of medical problems. A senior citizen lady friend damaged an upper denture. Medicare will not cover it. She is being treated for spreading bone cancer.
No dentist or doctor should be free to reject Medicare and Medicaid patients. Under democratic Socialism ( Bernie Sanders will soon explain it ) these licensed doctors would be fined or imprisoned-until they get with the program.
Capitalist charity " dental care "
Why does our pathetic national health care plan - a miserable compromise mockingly called OBAMA CARE- not recognize dental health as inseparable from general health ? There are still poor people and working class uninsured people who go around with infected gums, broken teeth, swollen jaws. FOR PROFIT dentists will not welcome them in the waiting room. They refuse to SEE them !
Neglected dental health care can complicate all sorts of medical problems. A senior citizen lady friend damaged an upper denture. Medicare will not cover it. She is being treated for spreading bone cancer.
No dentist or doctor should be free to reject Medicare and Medicaid patients. Under democratic Socialism ( Bernie Sanders will soon explain it ) these licensed doctors would be fined or imprisoned-until they get with the program.
Capitalist charity " dental care "
Under democratic Socialism this DOC would be fined or imprisoned |
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It is unacceptable for any working class person -citizen or non-citizen -to be denied months of wages.
Italian-Americans here in Rhode Island should recall their own grim times of degradation and oppression. Read " Christ in Concrete "- a book I found one day in 1962 while staying with my Italian immigrant grandmother who lived on Federal Hill in Providence for 50 years. Only " The Club " down the street would protect the Italian immigrants back then, Grandma recalled.
It should be easy for us to identify with the Spanish speaking " illegals ". [