The medical examiner's office should be more than adequately funded. Just weeks ago Governor Gina Raimondo and her lackeys were saying how cuts in Medicaid would improve health care in Rhode Island ( very Orwellian ! ) Too may drug overdose deaths here ? Could there be a connection between the neglect of human needs and the Democratic Party's allegiance to the capitalist profit system ? With only Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders a voice of dissent ?
Troubled souls seek release from pain and depression in dangerous narcotics. A corrupt mental health system- and corrupt and incompetent psychiatrists- also accept the bottom line-a FOR PROFIT nightmare.
Why should our wonderful American Way of Life breed so many troubled souls ? Ask any bought and sold doctor- who is apoplectic over " socialized medicine.
“Leech argues, using convincing empirical evidence, of the destructive effects of contemporary capitalism, showing that the only plausible alternative is a socialist perspective.” – Samir Amin, author of Global History: A View from the South