Nice to know that RIPTA " will also consider implementing new
technologies ". Perhaps " new technology " would prevent RIPTA bus
drivers from running over people trying to catch the bus ? Last May , 31
year old Bobbie Moore was nearly crushed to death under the Broad St.
bus in Providence. Barbara Polichetti's boss, Scott Avedisian, was quick
to blame the victim Bobbie Moore-who soon got the non-person- in-
South Providence treatment in the news media. How well is Bobbie
recovering ? Is the Providence Journal interested ? NPR ?
Pauline Goss, an eye witness to that accident, said Bobbie " was
banging the bus so she could get on and he ( the bus driver ) just kept
going slowly and then he ran right over her and he had to stop because
everyone was screaming ". If this statement is accurate, RIPTA is
guilty of vehicular homicide.
And many senior citizens in Rhode
Island are also delighted that RIPTA is considering throwing them
under the bus too: no more free rides for the elderly ?
A woman was hit by a RIPTA bus on Wednesday around 4:30 p.m. on Broad Street in Providence. |
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