Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Insane nationalism-border craziness- can still cause World War III

capitalism is breaking down   As a democratic Socialist I think WE THE PEOPLE have more urgent need for " protection " against everyday capitalist insanity than against this imaginary invasion of " illegal immigrants ". Republican Donald Trump-and I don't want this interesting character silenced or punished for bluntness- is making political capital on real fear of " illegals ".
But it is far easier for the world's various " socialists " - including our Bernie Sanders- to identify with THEM than with billionaire demagogues like Donald Trump.
Karl Marx thought that the workers of the world " have no country ". But this is even truer of the plutocrats .
In the socialist future national boundaries will be like a biological membrane. There will be an equilibrium between humans entering and leaving a country, not chaos and fear at the borders.
Insane nationalism can still cause World War III.

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