As a democratic Socialist I am delighted with Pope Francis' scathing criticism of global capitalism that only reinforces the " progressive " message of Bernie Sanders.
People must begin to understand what Marxists understood more than a century ago : the capitalist system is doomed .It can no longer serve any progressive purpose. Even if it should stabilize again ( highly unlikely ), it will offer idealistic young people nothing more than vacuous adventures in consumerism -while it continues to ruin the Good Earth
What it does offer the world right now is the endless nightmare of war and economic misery. And the more irrational it becomes the more its " intellectual " apologists sing it praises, blathering that it is all about FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY and the GOOD LIFE. But for whom - the ONE PERCENT ?
Just study the faces of these professional lackeys whenever the word SOCIALISM pops up in a positive way.
Karl Marx said in a footnote to Das Kapital : " To every dog his master is divine ".
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