This  Republican presidential candidate  Mike Huckabee also thinks that this is a " Christian nation " : "I hope we answer the alarm clock and take this nation back for Christ ." A Christian nation would not be over-solicitous for the security of an Israel that already possesses a nuclear arsenal. It is their own nuclear arsenal -not the non-existent one of Iran- that " opens the oven door ".
Stop demonizing Iran and Obama's pragmatic " deal " all you Ayn Rand Republican hypocrites.Yes, Ayn Rand has a stronger voice in the party than Jesus ever did.
  "  In a world of uncertainty, evil, and moral insanity, Israel is a shining light of moral clarity. The enemies of Israel are the enemies of America.
Sadly, this Administration spends more time berating Israel for building houses in the lands given to Abraham than telling the Iranians to stop building bombs pointed at us "(  Mike Huckabee )