Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The story of the orthodox Jews that oppose Israel | Rabbi Elhanan Beck |...

As a longtime independent democratic socialist I can easily see how militant ZIONISM in APARTHEID Israel is a mockery even of bourgeois democracy . No STATE that calls itself democratic should have an openly ethnocentric foundation. Based on frequent REMOVED messages which invariably " violate community standards " I now see what constitutes " anti-Semitism " in social media and in the mainstream news media. 1. In general , critical thinking about the nature and origin of the ZIONIST movement. 2. Anti-Zionism = Anti-Semitism ? 3. SOCIALISM in general is suspiciously " anti-Semitic ". 4. Any suggestion that " OUR democracy " should not have " a special relationship " with Holy Israel . 5. Any impudent comment implying that the mainstream news media in ' OUR democracy " is prejudiced toward the dispossessed and oppressed Palestinians . NOTE : Belligerent , anti-CHRISTIAN Zionist Jews in " OUR democracy " are credible judges and censors of " hate speech " while condoning genocide in Gaza, Palestine ? The status quo for decades to come : American imperialism together forever with Israeli Zionism ?

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