Tuesday, June 25, 2024

NOTE the scratch over of Robert F. Kennedy's name on my Facebook post

What is really going on in POLITICS USA is a profound crisis of the capitalist system. There is an ongoing ideological BRAWL ( at times physical as on that Jan.6 day of infamy ) within the American ruling class. But neither the Democrats or the Republicans have any principled disagreements on the moral righteousness of American imperialism, Israeli Zionism, and everyday capitalist exploitation and oppression of the American working class of whatever race , religion, or ethnic group . The Democratic Party and the Republican Party consider ALL third parties - especially democratic socialist or orthodox Marxist-Leninist parties anathema. Even INDEPENDENT Robert F. Kennedy Jr. himself a slandered and blackballed " Profile in Courage " - is excluded from the upcoming presidential campaign debate . Local 630 WPRO Talk Radio daily serves the American ruling class by blocking any callers or texters that think outside the box on the burning social-political issues of the day ( Let " Rhode Island's egocentric anchorman " Gene Valicenti explain this ). In general, the mainstream news media is blatantly hostile to long suffering Palestinians , favoring Zionist APARTHEID Israel, and coldly indifferent to Israeli genocide in Gaza ( despite International Criminal Court condemnation of the war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu ) . Nor is it perturbed with endless US support for the warmonger , embezzler V. Zelensky in Ukraine's proxy war with POST-COMMUNIST Russia. For Election 2024 I see Robert F. Kennedy as the lesser " lesser evil ". And I support him on my blog and Facebook page. And of course , I support any SOCIALIST parties trying to get on the ballot in " OUR democracy " .

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