Monday, June 24, 2024

'I Just Wanna Get This Straight...': Jim Jordan Shocked By Judge Merchan...

The Trump Sex Trial in New York City only confirmed the cynical Marxist view of THE LAW in capitalist society: THE LAW represents the WILL of the ruling class in conflict with itself and with the middle and working class in " OUR democracy ". Karl Marx also observed that " the ruling ideas are the ideas of the ruling class ". But on ubiquitous Talk Radio in " OUR democracy " the mostly " common people " listeners daily enter the mental world of the American petty bourgeoisie . To climb the ladder of success they are wise to find guides among their immediate social betters- the petty bourgeoisie . Above all, never display any critical thinking on THE SYSTEM with its wonderful POLICE and MILITARY ( " Thank you for your service ! " ). Naturally, a world in which THEY are most comfortable is the best of all possible worlds !

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