Monday, June 24, 2024

Bill Maher makes grim prediction about Trump in 2024

The Hollywood Babylon culture , the general Culture of Narcissism, and the ZIONIST Jew community in " OUR democracy " seem to be virtually unanimous in their support for the re-election of corrupt , senile, creepy President Joe Biden. Also the Black social climbing petty bourgeoisie are virtually unanimous in support for their " true friend " in the White House Joe Biden . What 100 MILLION working class CHRISTIANS in " OUR democracy think is irrelevant to these socially oblivious people. Also, note that Bill Maher has been honored by the obnoxious New Atheist crowd. For years now they constitute LEFT support for American imperialism and Israeli Zionism . The late drunkard , former " Trotskyist, Christopher Hitchens was their guiding light with the publication of his toxic book titled " God Is Not Great - how religion poisons everything " . Was the New Atheism sponsored by secular ZIONIST Jews ? [ 'Maher received the 2009 Richard Dawkins Award from Atheist Alliance International.[143] He was an advisory board member of author Sam Harris's Project Reason, a foundation that promotes scientific knowledge and secular values within society.[144] In 2023, while still being critical of religion, Maher discussed some of his spiritual queries and interests with long-time friend and new age guru, Deepak Chopra. ' From WIKI bio

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