Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Julian Assange agrees to plead guilty

In the matter of US government ( " OUR democracy " ) persecuted Julian Assange : TOP SECRET documents are above all TOP SECRET from the American people who would be ashamed of the crimes and foul assassinations committed in the interests of " national security ". To be sure , these dark deeds ( like the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963 , of Malcolm X in 1965 , of Martin Luther King in 1968 , of the democratically elected president of Chile , Salvador Allende in 1973 , and much more ) are done in the service of the American plutocracy . Working class Americans derive ZERO benefits from Deep State EVIL. Julian Assange and Edward Snowden are heroes of OUR democracy ( what remains of it for the American working class ). The sun is setting on American imperialism and Israeli Zionism together forever in crimes against humanity !

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