Friday, June 21, 2024

Censored texts sent to Gene Valicenti 630WPRO,R.I.

Rhode 630WPRO Talk Radio is a " Let the people speak " joke in " OUR democracy ". " Rhode Island's anchorman " Gene Valicenti on air is more and more buffoonish and narcissistic and unprofessional in connecting with American public opinion outside the smug world of the local petty bourgeoisie - clearly HIS world . ALL the Talk Radio stars at 630WPRO cloyingly slobber over program sponsors ( this seems to be a form of " payola " - the two bit celebrity endorsement ) . Time to cancel ubiquitous Talk Radio in " OUR democracy " - an institution which long ago left behind the real world of the American working class for the very unreal world of the neurotic and always job nervous American petty bourgeoisie ? It's time to go ! Recently I was banned on Valicenti's morning circus Talk Radio (630WPRO) show first for " volume " ( ??? ) and then for " copyright violation " ( ??? ) . The station owns MY texts ? The TRUTH is that in " OUR democracy " any more than superficial or flippant criticism of CAPITALISM , IMPERIALISM , and ZIONISM is anathema . As a long time independent democratic socialist I have been familiar with this treatment for years. As Karl Marx said in the middle of the 19th century : " The ruling ideas are the ideas of the ruling class ! ". That effectively limits the FREE SPEECH ,FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization .

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