Thursday, June 20, 2024

American soldier sent to Russian penal colony

For more than a century democratic socialists have believed in the principle of socialist internationalism. Nuclear World War III between equally rotten ego-centric nation states would be the final dark chapter of the human " Comedy of the Absurd ". True , the Russians do not live up to the high moral standards of Joe Biden & Son, of Donald Trump & Son in Law , of the CIA , FBI, American " Deep State ", Homeland Security , the Pentagon War Crimes Machine, and a military-industrial complex permeated with all sorts of civic virtues beyond FOR PROFIT capitalism . How many young Americans of military age can be persuaded to join another Great Crusade ? And persuaded by stale Wilsonian blather that was false more than a century ago ? The glory of World War II cannot possibly repeat itself . So how can it all end ? Probably like the Great Plague of the 14th Century with half the world population dead - the rest reduced to rural idiocy . Will the NY Stock Exchange survive ? High Hope springs eternal !

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