Saturday, June 22, 2024

US renews warning after officials say Chinese forces seized 2 boats in P...

American imperialism daily WARNS China, WARNS, Russia, WARNS Iran, WARNS North Korea, WARNS Cuba, WARNS Venezuela. And always in a sanctimonious tone of righteous realpolitik ! A mild rebuke to Zionist APARTHEID Israel for genocide in Gaza, Palestine . A more sour scolding to the International Criminal Court for condemning war criminal Israeli president Benjamin Netanyahu. The Joe Biden administration is packed with ZIONIST Jews hell bent on nuclear World War III . And they are backed - no surprise here - by the mainstream news media.. For decades now what working class CHRISTIANS think in " OUR democracy " has been mocked as the hateful notions of blue collar " deplorables ". Have a referendum on the wisdom of the next world war ? What do a few million ZIONIST Jews think ? What do more than 100 million working class CHRISTIANS think ? Can " OUR democracy " ever rise above what Marx described as " the ideas of the ruling class " ?

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